Hello friends,
>thank you for working on this. I think you will improve the chances for
>your patches to be accepted if you give them individually meaningful
>names, like
>"notepad: Don't use reserved MSVC keyword."
>for patch #2.
Actually, I followed the tip I read into the wiki of WINE in "Patch submission
guidelines", so I tried to imitate the style of other patches for WINE and for
this reason I used an identical title with a progressive number as subject. If
something different is prefered, no problem, I will follow your suggestion and
I will use a more focused title.
>Also, like Jerome said, we may have a problem if different people
>commited these changes to ReactOS. I'm no expert on this, but as I
>understand, Wine needs the patch to be credited to the author who
>actually wrote the code.
Well, ReactOS notepad had been imported from WINE long time ago and various
people did some changes on it and I'm included in them since, in this specific
case, the status bar implementation had been almost rewritten by me.
I'm not an expert too, but since it is distribuited under the same license of
WINE, with same coding restrictions and all people who sent patches have agreed
to the same GPL as well, my intuition would say that there is no problem on
this... because the owner who can providing this code to you is the ReactOS
project itself.
That's just my opinion of course... I will wait for your suggestions/orders...
Carlo Bramini.