Signed-off-by: Anton Romanov <>
dlls/wmp/oleobj.c | 1 +
dlls/wmp/player.c | 293 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
dlls/wmp/tests/ | 3 +
dlls/wmp/tests/av.mp4 | Bin 0 -> 1493 bytes
dlls/wmp/tests/oleobj.c | 78 ++++++++++++
dlls/wmp/tests/rsrc.rc | 22 ++++
dlls/wmp/wmp_private.h | 29 +++++
7 files changed, 418 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 dlls/wmp/tests/av.mp4
create mode 100644 dlls/wmp/tests/rsrc.rc
diff --git a/dlls/wmp/oleobj.c b/dlls/wmp/oleobj.c
index 25787fa759..cc0e9a9d98 100644
--- a/dlls/wmp/oleobj.c
+++ b/dlls/wmp/oleobj.c
@@ -308,6 +308,7 @@ static ULONG WINAPI OleObject_Release(IOleObject *iface)
if(!ref) {
+ destroy_player(This);
diff --git a/dlls/wmp/player.c b/dlls/wmp/player.c
index 2628fa4b5d..1febb3f6ce 100644
--- a/dlls/wmp/player.c
+++ b/dlls/wmp/player.c
@@ -22,6 +22,11 @@
+static inline WMPMedia *impl_from_IWMPMedia(IWMPMedia *iface)
+ return CONTAINING_RECORD(iface, WMPMedia, IWMPMedia_iface);
static inline WindowsMediaPlayer *impl_from_IWMPPlayer4(IWMPPlayer4 *iface)
return CONTAINING_RECORD(iface, WindowsMediaPlayer, IWMPPlayer4_iface);
@@ -98,15 +103,23 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI WMPPlayer4_close(IWMPPlayer4 *iface)
static HRESULT WINAPI WMPPlayer4_get_URL(IWMPPlayer4 *iface, BSTR *pbstrURL)
WindowsMediaPlayer *This = impl_from_IWMPPlayer4(iface);
- FIXME("(%p)->(%p)\n", This, pbstrURL);
- return E_NOTIMPL;
+ TRACE("(%p)->(%p)\n", This, pbstrURL);
+ if(This->wmpmedia == NULL) {
+ return S_FALSE;
+ }
+ return IWMPMedia_get_sourceURL(This->wmpmedia, pbstrURL);
static HRESULT WINAPI WMPPlayer4_put_URL(IWMPPlayer4 *iface, BSTR url)
WindowsMediaPlayer *This = impl_from_IWMPPlayer4(iface);
- FIXME("(%p)->(%s)\n", This, debugstr_w(url));
- return E_NOTIMPL;
+ IWMPMedia *media;
+ TRACE("(%p)->(%s)\n", This, debugstr_w(url));
+ if(url == NULL) {
+ return E_POINTER;
+ }
+ media = create_media_from_url(url);
+ return IWMPPlayer4_put_currentMedia(iface, media);
static HRESULT WINAPI WMPPlayer4_get_openState(IWMPPlayer4 *iface, WMPOpenState *pwmpos)
@@ -148,15 +161,28 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI WMPPlayer4_get_settings(IWMPPlayer4 *iface, IWMPSettings *
static HRESULT WINAPI WMPPlayer4_get_currentMedia(IWMPPlayer4 *iface, IWMPMedia **ppMedia)
WindowsMediaPlayer *This = impl_from_IWMPPlayer4(iface);
- FIXME("(%p)->(%p)\n", This, ppMedia);
- return E_NOTIMPL;
+ TRACE("(%p)->(%p)\n", This, ppMedia);
+ if(This->wmpmedia == NULL) {
+ return S_FALSE;
+ }
+ IWMPMedia_AddRef(This->wmpmedia);
+ *ppMedia = This->wmpmedia;
+ return S_OK;
static HRESULT WINAPI WMPPlayer4_put_currentMedia(IWMPPlayer4 *iface, IWMPMedia *pMedia)
WindowsMediaPlayer *This = impl_from_IWMPPlayer4(iface);
- FIXME("(%p)->(%p)\n", This, pMedia);
- return E_NOTIMPL;
+ TRACE("(%p)->(%p)\n", This, pMedia);
+ if(pMedia == NULL) {
+ return E_POINTER;
+ }
+ if(This->wmpmedia != NULL) {
+ IWMPMedia_Release(This->wmpmedia);
+ }
+ This->wmpmedia = pMedia;
+ IWMPMedia_AddRef(This->wmpmedia);
+ return S_OK;
static HRESULT WINAPI WMPPlayer4_get_mediaCollection(IWMPPlayer4 *iface, IWMPMediaCollection **ppMediaCollection)
@@ -1157,6 +1183,241 @@ static const IWMPControlsVtbl WMPControlsVtbl = {
+static HRESULT WINAPI WMPMedia_QueryInterface(IWMPMedia *iface, REFIID riid, void **ppv)
+ WMPMedia *This = impl_from_IWMPMedia(iface);
+ TRACE("(%p)\n", This);
+ if(IsEqualGUID(&IID_IUnknown, riid)) {
+ TRACE("(%p)->(IID_IUnknown %p)\n", This, ppv);
+ *ppv = &This->IWMPMedia_iface;
+ }else if(IsEqualGUID(&IID_IDispatch, riid)) {
+ TRACE("(%p)->(IID_IDispatch %p)\n", This, ppv);
+ *ppv = &This->IWMPMedia_iface;
+ }else if(IsEqualGUID(&IID_IWMPMedia, riid)) {
+ TRACE("(%p)->(IID_IWMPMedia %p)\n", This, ppv);
+ *ppv = &This->IWMPMedia_iface;
+ }else {
+ WARN("Unsupported interface %s\n", debugstr_guid(riid));
+ *ppv = NULL;
+ }
+ IUnknown_AddRef((IUnknown*)*ppv);
+ return S_OK;
+static ULONG WINAPI WMPMedia_AddRef(IWMPMedia *iface)
+ WMPMedia *This = impl_from_IWMPMedia(iface);
+ LONG ref = InterlockedIncrement(&This->ref);
+ TRACE("(%p) ref=%d\n", This, ref);
+ return ref;
+static ULONG WINAPI WMPMedia_Release(IWMPMedia *iface)
+ WMPMedia *This = impl_from_IWMPMedia(iface);
+ LONG ref = InterlockedDecrement(&This->ref);
+ TRACE("(%p) ref=%d\n", This, ref);
+ if(!ref) {
+ heap_free(This->url);
+ heap_free(This);
+ }
+ return ref;
+static HRESULT WINAPI WMPMedia_GetTypeInfoCount(IWMPMedia *iface, UINT *pctinfo)
+ WMPMedia *This = impl_from_IWMPMedia(iface);
+ FIXME("(%p)->(%p)\n", This, pctinfo);
+ return E_NOTIMPL;
+static HRESULT WINAPI WMPMedia_GetTypeInfo(IWMPMedia *iface, UINT iTInfo,
+ LCID lcid, ITypeInfo **ppTInfo)
+ WMPMedia *This = impl_from_IWMPMedia(iface);
+ FIXME("(%p)->(%u %d %p)\n", This, iTInfo, lcid, ppTInfo);
+ return E_NOTIMPL;
+static HRESULT WINAPI WMPMedia_GetIDsOfNames(IWMPMedia *iface, REFIID riid,
+ LPOLESTR *rgszNames, UINT cNames, LCID lcid, DISPID *rgDispId)
+ WMPMedia *This = impl_from_IWMPMedia(iface);
+ FIXME("(%p)->(%s %p %u %d %p)\n", This, debugstr_guid(riid), rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgDispId);
+ return E_NOTIMPL;
+static HRESULT WINAPI WMPMedia_Invoke(IWMPMedia *iface, DISPID dispIdMember,
+ REFIID riid, LCID lcid, WORD wFlags, DISPPARAMS *pDispParams, VARIANT *pVarResult,
+ EXCEPINFO *pExcepInfo, UINT *puArgErr)
+ WMPMedia *This = impl_from_IWMPMedia(iface);
+ FIXME("(%p)->(%d %s %d %x %p %p %p %p)\n", This, dispIdMember, debugstr_guid(riid), lcid,
+ wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr);
+ return E_NOTIMPL;
+static HRESULT WINAPI WMPMedia_get_isIdentical(IWMPMedia *iface, IWMPMedia *other, VARIANT_BOOL *pvBool)
+ WMPMedia *This = impl_from_IWMPMedia(iface);
+ FIXME("(%p)->(%p, %p)\n", This, other, pvBool);
+ return E_NOTIMPL;
+static HRESULT WINAPI WMPMedia_get_sourceURL(IWMPMedia *iface, BSTR *pbstrSourceUrl)
+ WMPMedia *This = impl_from_IWMPMedia(iface);
+ FIXME("(%p)->(%p)\n", This, pbstrSourceUrl);
+ return E_NOTIMPL;
+static HRESULT WINAPI WMPMedia_get_name(IWMPMedia *iface, BSTR *pbstrName)
+ WMPMedia *This = impl_from_IWMPMedia(iface);
+ FIXME("(%p)->(%p)\n", This, pbstrName);
+ return E_NOTIMPL;
+static HRESULT WINAPI WMPMedia_put_name(IWMPMedia *iface, BSTR pbstrName)
+ WMPMedia *This = impl_from_IWMPMedia(iface);
+ FIXME("(%p)->(%s)\n", This, debugstr_w(pbstrName));
+ return E_NOTIMPL;
+static HRESULT WINAPI WMPMedia_get_imageSourceWidth(IWMPMedia *iface, LONG *pWidth)
+ WMPMedia *This = impl_from_IWMPMedia(iface);
+ FIXME("(%p)->(%p)\n", This, pWidth);
+ return E_NOTIMPL;
+static HRESULT WINAPI WMPMedia_get_imageSourceHeight(IWMPMedia *iface, LONG *pHeight)
+ WMPMedia *This = impl_from_IWMPMedia(iface);
+ FIXME("(%p)->(%p)\n", This, pHeight);
+ return E_NOTIMPL;
+static HRESULT WINAPI WMPMedia_get_markerCount(IWMPMedia *iface, LONG* pMarkerCount)
+ WMPMedia *This = impl_from_IWMPMedia(iface);
+ FIXME("(%p)->(%p)\n", This, pMarkerCount);
+ return E_NOTIMPL;
+static HRESULT WINAPI WMPMedia_getMarkerTime(IWMPMedia *iface, LONG MarkerNum, DOUBLE *pMarkerTime)
+ WMPMedia *This = impl_from_IWMPMedia(iface);
+ FIXME("(%p)->(%d, %p)\n", This, MarkerNum, pMarkerTime);
+ return E_NOTIMPL;
+static HRESULT WINAPI WMPMedia_getMarkerName(IWMPMedia *iface, LONG MarkerNum, BSTR *pbstrMarkerName)
+ WMPMedia *This = impl_from_IWMPMedia(iface);
+ FIXME("(%p)->(%d, %p)\n", This, MarkerNum, pbstrMarkerName);
+ return E_NOTIMPL;
+static HRESULT WINAPI WMPMedia_get_duration(IWMPMedia *iface, DOUBLE *pDuration)
+ WMPMedia *This = impl_from_IWMPMedia(iface);
+ FIXME("(%p)->(%p)\n", This, pDuration);
+ return E_NOTIMPL;
+static HRESULT WINAPI WMPMedia_get_durationString(IWMPMedia *iface, BSTR *pbstrDuration)
+ WMPMedia *This = impl_from_IWMPMedia(iface);
+ FIXME("(%p)->(%p)\n", This, pbstrDuration);
+ return E_NOTIMPL;
+static HRESULT WINAPI WMPMedia_get_attributeCount(IWMPMedia *iface, LONG *plCount)
+ WMPMedia *This = impl_from_IWMPMedia(iface);
+ FIXME("(%p)->(%p)\n", This, plCount);
+ return E_NOTIMPL;
+static HRESULT WINAPI WMPMedia_getAttributeName(IWMPMedia *iface, LONG lIndex, BSTR *pbstrItemName)
+ WMPMedia *This = impl_from_IWMPMedia(iface);
+ FIXME("(%p)->(%d, %p)\n", This, lIndex, pbstrItemName);
+ return E_NOTIMPL;
+static HRESULT WINAPI WMPMedia_getItemInfo(IWMPMedia *iface, BSTR bstrItemName, BSTR *pbstrVal)
+ WMPMedia *This = impl_from_IWMPMedia(iface);
+ FIXME("(%p)->(%s, %p)\n", This, debugstr_w(bstrItemName), pbstrVal);
+ return E_NOTIMPL;
+static HRESULT WINAPI WMPMedia_setItemInfo(IWMPMedia *iface, BSTR bstrItemName, BSTR bstrVal)
+ WMPMedia *This = impl_from_IWMPMedia(iface);
+ FIXME("(%p)->(%s, %s)\n", This, debugstr_w(bstrItemName), debugstr_w(bstrVal));
+ return E_NOTIMPL;
+static HRESULT WINAPI WMPMedia_getItemInfoByAtom(IWMPMedia *iface, LONG lAtom, BSTR *pbstrVal)
+ WMPMedia *This = impl_from_IWMPMedia(iface);
+ FIXME("(%p)->(%d, %p)\n", This, lAtom, pbstrVal);
+ return E_NOTIMPL;
+static HRESULT WINAPI WMPMedia_isMemberOf(IWMPMedia *iface, IWMPPlaylist *pPlaylist, VARIANT_BOOL *pvarfIsMemberOf)
+ WMPMedia *This = impl_from_IWMPMedia(iface);
+ FIXME("(%p)->(%p, %p)\n", This, pPlaylist, pvarfIsMemberOf);
+ return E_NOTIMPL;
+static HRESULT WINAPI WMPMedia_isReadOnlyItem(IWMPMedia *iface, BSTR bstrItemName, VARIANT_BOOL *pvarfIsReadOnly)
+ WMPMedia *This = impl_from_IWMPMedia(iface);
+ FIXME("(%p)->(%s, %p)\n", This, debugstr_w(bstrItemName), pvarfIsReadOnly);
+ return E_NOTIMPL;
+static const IWMPMediaVtbl WMPMediaVtbl = {
+ WMPMedia_QueryInterface,
+ WMPMedia_AddRef,
+ WMPMedia_Release,
+ WMPMedia_GetTypeInfoCount,
+ WMPMedia_GetTypeInfo,
+ WMPMedia_GetIDsOfNames,
+ WMPMedia_Invoke,
+ WMPMedia_get_isIdentical,
+ WMPMedia_get_sourceURL,
+ WMPMedia_get_name,
+ WMPMedia_put_name,
+ WMPMedia_get_imageSourceWidth,
+ WMPMedia_get_imageSourceHeight,
+ WMPMedia_get_markerCount,
+ WMPMedia_getMarkerTime,
+ WMPMedia_getMarkerName,
+ WMPMedia_get_duration,
+ WMPMedia_get_durationString,
+ WMPMedia_get_attributeCount,
+ WMPMedia_getAttributeName,
+ WMPMedia_getItemInfo,
+ WMPMedia_setItemInfo,
+ WMPMedia_getItemInfoByAtom,
+ WMPMedia_isMemberOf,
+ WMPMedia_isReadOnlyItem
void init_player(WindowsMediaPlayer *wmp)
wmp->IWMPPlayer4_iface.lpVtbl = &WMPPlayer4Vtbl;
@@ -1167,3 +1428,19 @@ void init_player(WindowsMediaPlayer *wmp)
wmp->invoke_urls = VARIANT_TRUE;
wmp->auto_start = VARIANT_TRUE;
+void destroy_player(WindowsMediaPlayer *wmp)
+ if(wmp->wmpmedia)
+ IWMPMedia_Release(wmp->wmpmedia);
+IWMPMedia* create_media_from_url(BSTR url){
+ WMPMedia *media = heap_alloc_zero(sizeof(WMPMedia));
+ media->IWMPMedia_iface.lpVtbl = &WMPMediaVtbl;
+ media->url = heap_strdupW(url);
+ media->ref = 1;
+ return &media->IWMPMedia_iface;
diff --git a/dlls/wmp/tests/ b/dlls/wmp/tests/
index df770c78c6..dded3a4a7e 100644
--- a/dlls/wmp/tests/
+++ b/dlls/wmp/tests/
@@ -2,3 +2,6 @@ TESTDLL = wmp.dll
IMPORTS = ole32 oleaut32 user32 gdi32
C_SRCS = oleobj.c
+RC_SRCS = \
+ rsrc.rc
diff --git a/dlls/wmp/tests/av.mp4 b/dlls/wmp/tests/av.mp4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1431e98dd3f5bb28c282d3d732a3a1fc13cf3d63
GIT binary patch
literal 1493
literal 0
diff --git a/dlls/wmp/tests/oleobj.c b/dlls/wmp/tests/oleobj.c
index 42ed858b85..5185710716 100644
--- a/dlls/wmp/tests/oleobj.c
+++ b/dlls/wmp/tests/oleobj.c
@@ -18,12 +18,16 @@
+#include <stdarg.h>
#include <initguid.h>
+#include <windef.h>
+#include <winbase.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <wmp.h>
#include <olectl.h>
#include "wine/test.h"
+#include "wine/heap.h"
#define DEFINE_EXPECT(func) \
static BOOL expect_ ## func = FALSE, called_ ## func = FALSE
@@ -60,6 +64,32 @@ DEFINE_EXPECT(GetWindowContext);
+static const WCHAR mp4file[] = {'a','v','.','m','p','4',0};
+static inline WCHAR *load_resource(const WCHAR *name)
+ static WCHAR pathW[MAX_PATH];
+ DWORD written;
+ HANDLE file;
+ HRSRC res;
+ void *ptr;
+ GetTempPathW(sizeof(pathW)/sizeof(WCHAR), pathW);
+ lstrcatW(pathW, name);
+ file = CreateFileW(pathW, GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, 0);
+ ok(file != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "file creation failed, at %s, error %d\n", wine_dbgstr_w(pathW),
+ GetLastError());
+ res = FindResourceW(NULL, name, (LPCWSTR)RT_RCDATA);
+ ok( res != 0, "couldn't find resource\n" );
+ ptr = LockResource( LoadResource( GetModuleHandleA(NULL), res ));
+ WriteFile( file, ptr, SizeofResource( GetModuleHandleA(NULL), res ), &written, NULL );
+ ok( written == SizeofResource( GetModuleHandleA(NULL), res ), "couldn't write resource\n" );
+ CloseHandle( file );
+ return pathW;
static HWND container_hwnd;
static HRESULT WINAPI OleContainer_QueryInterface(IOleContainer *iface, REFIID riid, void **ppv)
@@ -859,9 +889,12 @@ static void test_wmp_ifaces(IOleObject *oleobj)
IWMPSettings *settings, *settings_qi;
IWMPPlayer4 *player4;
IWMPPlayer *player;
+ IWMPMedia *media;
IWMPControls *controls;
+ WCHAR *filename;
+ BSTR url;
hres = IOleObject_QueryInterface(oleobj, &IID_IWMPPlayer4, (void**)&player4);
ok(hres == S_OK, "Could not get IWMPPlayer4 iface: %08x\n", hres);
@@ -878,6 +911,50 @@ static void test_wmp_ifaces(IOleObject *oleobj)
+ media = NULL;
+ hres = IWMPPlayer4_QueryInterface(player4, &IID_IWMPMedia, (void**)&media);
+ ok(hres == E_NOINTERFACE, "get_currentMedia SUCCEEDED: %08x\n", hres);
+ ok(media == NULL, "media != NULL\n");
+ /* Test media put/get */
+ media = NULL;
+ hres = IWMPPlayer4_get_currentMedia(player4, &media);
+ ok(hres == S_FALSE, "get_currentMedia SUCCEEDED\n");
+ ok(media == NULL, "media != NULL\n");
+ filename = load_resource(mp4file);
+ SET_EXPECT(GetContainer);
+ hres = IWMPPlayer4_put_URL(player4, filename);
+ ok(hres == S_OK, "IWMPPlayer4_put_URL failed: %08x\n", hres);
+ todo_wine CHECK_CALLED(GetContainer);
+ todo_wine CHECK_CALLED(Invoke_USERMODE);
+ hres = IWMPPlayer4_get_URL(player4, &url);
+ todo_wine ok(hres == S_OK, "IWMPPlayer4_get_URL failed: %08x\n", hres);
+ todo_wine ok(0 == lstrcmpW(url, filename), "%s != %s", wine_dbgstr_w(url), wine_dbgstr_w(filename));
+ todo_wine CHECK_CALLED(Invoke_USERMODE);
+ heap_free(url);
+ hres = IWMPPlayer4_get_currentMedia(player4, &media);
+ ok(hres == S_OK, "get_currentMedia failed: %08x\n", hres);
+ ok(media != NULL, "media = (%p)\n", media);
+ SET_EXPECT(GetContainer);
+ hres = IWMPPlayer4_put_currentMedia(player4, media);
+ ok(hres == S_OK, "put_currentMedia failed: %08x\n", hres);
+ todo_wine CHECK_CALLED(GetContainer);
+ IWMPMedia_Release(media);
+ hres = IWMPPlayer4_get_currentMedia(player4, &media);
+ ok(hres == S_OK, "get_currentMedia failed: %08x\n", hres);
+ ok(media != NULL, "media = (%p)\n", media);
+ IWMPMedia_Release(media);
settings = NULL;
hres = IWMPPlayer4_get_settings(player4, &settings);
ok(hres == S_OK, "get_settings failed: %08x\n", hres);
@@ -934,6 +1011,7 @@ static void test_wmp_ifaces(IOleObject *oleobj)
+ heap_free(filename);
#define test_rect_size(a,b,c) _test_rect_size(__LINE__,a,b,c)
diff --git a/dlls/wmp/tests/rsrc.rc b/dlls/wmp/tests/rsrc.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fb30ae6940
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dlls/wmp/tests/rsrc.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ * Resource file for wmp tests.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+ */
+#include "windef.h"
+/* @makedep: av.mp4 */
+av.mp4 RCDATA "av.mp4"
diff --git a/dlls/wmp/wmp_private.h b/dlls/wmp/wmp_private.h
index a3baaf7206..465721bf4d 100644
--- a/dlls/wmp/wmp_private.h
+++ b/dlls/wmp/wmp_private.h
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
#include "windows.h"
#include "wine/heap.h"
+#include "wine/unicode.h"
#include "ole2.h"
#include "wmp.h"
@@ -34,6 +35,14 @@ typedef struct {
IID iid;
} ConnectionPoint;
+typedef struct {
+ IWMPMedia IWMPMedia_iface;
+ LONG ref;
+ WCHAR *url;
+} WMPMedia;
struct WindowsMediaPlayer {
IOleObject IOleObject_iface;
IProvideClassInfo2 IProvideClassInfo2_iface;
@@ -58,9 +67,13 @@ struct WindowsMediaPlayer {
VARIANT_BOOL enable_error_dialogs;
ConnectionPoint *wmpocx;
+ IWMPMedia *wmpmedia;
void init_player(WindowsMediaPlayer*) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
+void destroy_player(WindowsMediaPlayer*) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
+IWMPMedia* create_media_from_url(BSTR url);
void ConnectionPointContainer_Init(WindowsMediaPlayer *wmp) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
void ConnectionPointContainer_Destroy(WindowsMediaPlayer *wmp) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
@@ -69,3 +82,19 @@ HRESULT WINAPI WMPFactory_CreateInstance(IClassFactory*,IUnknown*,REFIID,void**)
void unregister_wmp_class(void) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
extern HINSTANCE wmp_instance DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
+static inline WCHAR *heap_strdupW(const WCHAR *str)
+ WCHAR *ret;
+ if(str) {
+ size_t size = strlenW(str)+1;
+ ret = heap_alloc(size*sizeof(WCHAR));
+ if(ret)
+ memcpy(ret, str, size*sizeof(WCHAR));
+ }else {
+ ret = NULL;
+ }
+ return ret;