This is a resend, is there anything that could be improved to make this patch accepted?
Signed-off-by: Dmitry Timoshkov <dmitry(a)>
dlls/crypt32/base64.c | 79 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-
dlls/crypt32/tests/base64.c | 113 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
2 files changed, 189 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/dlls/crypt32/base64.c b/dlls/crypt32/base64.c
index 1fd4dc136e..2ffb247180 100644
--- a/dlls/crypt32/base64.c
+++ b/dlls/crypt32/base64.c
@@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ static BOOL BinaryToBase64W(const BYTE *pbBinary,
return ret;
-static BOOL BinaryToHexW(const BYTE *bin, DWORD nbin, DWORD flags, LPWSTR str, DWORD *nstr)
+static BOOL BinaryToHexRawW(const BYTE *bin, DWORD nbin, DWORD flags, LPWSTR str, DWORD *nstr)
static const WCHAR hex[] = L"0123456789abcdef";
DWORD needed;
@@ -506,6 +506,79 @@ static BOOL BinaryToHexW(const BYTE *bin, DWORD nbin, DWORD flags, LPWSTR str, D
return TRUE;
+static BOOL binary_to_hexW(const BYTE *bin, DWORD nbin, DWORD flags, LPWSTR str, DWORD *nstr)
+ static const WCHAR hex[] = {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f'};
+ DWORD needed, i;
+ needed = nbin * 3; /* spaces + terminating \0 */
+ if (flags & CRYPT_STRING_NOCR)
+ {
+ needed += (nbin + 7) / 16; /* space every 16 characters */
+ needed += 1; /* terminating \n */
+ }
+ else if (!(flags & CRYPT_STRING_NOCRLF))
+ {
+ needed += (nbin + 7) / 16; /* space every 16 characters */
+ needed += nbin / 16 + 1; /* LF every 16 characters + terminating \r */
+ if (nbin % 16)
+ needed += 1; /* terminating \n */
+ }
+ if (!str)
+ {
+ *nstr = needed;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ if (needed > *nstr)
+ {
+ SetLastError(ERROR_MORE_DATA);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < nbin; i++)
+ {
+ *str++ = hex[(bin[i] >> 4) & 0xf];
+ *str++ = hex[bin[i] & 0xf];
+ if (i >= nbin - 1) break;
+ if (i && !(flags & CRYPT_STRING_NOCRLF))
+ {
+ if (i >= 15 && !((i + 1) % 16))
+ {
+ if (flags & CRYPT_STRING_NOCR)
+ *str++ = '\n';
+ else
+ {
+ *str++ = '\r';
+ *str++ = '\n';
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (i >= 7 && !((i + 1) % 8))
+ *str++ = ' ';
+ }
+ *str++ = ' ';
+ }
+ if (flags & CRYPT_STRING_NOCR)
+ *str++ = '\n';
+ else if (!(flags & CRYPT_STRING_NOCRLF))
+ {
+ *str++ = '\r';
+ *str++ = '\n';
+ }
+ *str = 0;
+ *nstr = needed - 1;
+ return TRUE;
BOOL WINAPI CryptBinaryToStringW(const BYTE *pbBinary,
DWORD cbBinary, DWORD dwFlags, LPWSTR pszString, DWORD *pcchString)
@@ -537,9 +610,11 @@ BOOL WINAPI CryptBinaryToStringW(const BYTE *pbBinary,
encoder = BinaryToBase64W;
- encoder = BinaryToHexW;
+ encoder = BinaryToHexRawW;
+ encoder = binary_to_hexW;
+ break;
diff --git a/dlls/crypt32/tests/base64.c b/dlls/crypt32/tests/base64.c
index a48f0a5c44..a17267c702 100644
--- a/dlls/crypt32/tests/base64.c
+++ b/dlls/crypt32/tests/base64.c
@@ -236,12 +236,36 @@ static void encode_compare_base64_W(const BYTE *toEncode, DWORD toEncodeLen, DWO
+static DWORD binary_to_hex_len(DWORD binary_len, DWORD flags)
+ DWORD strLen2;
+ strLen2 = binary_len * 3; /* spaces + terminating \0 */
+ if (flags & CRYPT_STRING_NOCR)
+ {
+ strLen2 += (binary_len + 7) / 16; /* space every 16 characters */
+ strLen2 += 1; /* terminating \n */
+ }
+ else if (!(flags & CRYPT_STRING_NOCRLF))
+ {
+ strLen2 += (binary_len + 7) / 16; /* space every 16 characters */
+ strLen2 += binary_len / 16 + 1; /* LF every 16 characters + terminating \r */
+ if (binary_len % 16)
+ strLen2 += 1; /* terminating \n */
+ }
+ return strLen2;
static void test_CryptBinaryToString(void)
static const DWORD flags[] = { 0, CRYPT_STRING_NOCR, CRYPT_STRING_NOCRLF };
+ static const DWORD sizes[] = { 3, 4, 7, 8, 12, 15, 16, 17, 256 };
static const WCHAR hexdig[] = L"0123456789abcdef";
BYTE input[256 * sizeof(WCHAR)];
- DWORD strLen, strLen2, i, j;
+ DWORD strLen, strLen2, i, j, k;
WCHAR *hex, *cmp, *ptr;
BOOL ret;
@@ -444,6 +468,93 @@ static void test_CryptBinaryToString(void)
+ for (k = 0; k < ARRAY_SIZE(sizes); k++)
+ for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(flags); i++)
+ {
+ strLen = 0;
+ ret = CryptBinaryToStringW(input, sizes[k], CRYPT_STRING_HEX | flags[i], NULL, &strLen);
+ ok(ret, "CryptBinaryToStringW failed: %d\n", GetLastError());
+ ok(strLen > 0, "Unexpected string length.\n");
+ strLen = ~0;
+ ret = CryptBinaryToStringW(input, sizes[k], CRYPT_STRING_HEX | flags[i], NULL, &strLen);
+ ok(ret, "CryptBinaryToStringW failed: %d\n", GetLastError());
+ strLen2 = binary_to_hex_len(sizes[k], CRYPT_STRING_HEX | flags[i]);
+ ok(strLen == strLen2, "%u: Expected length %d, got %d\n", i, strLen2, strLen);
+ hex = heap_alloc(strLen * sizeof(WCHAR) + 256);
+ memset(hex, 0xcc, strLen * sizeof(WCHAR));
+ ptr = cmp = heap_alloc(strLen * sizeof(WCHAR) + 256);
+ for (j = 0; j < sizes[k]; j++)
+ {
+ *ptr++ = hexdig[(input[j] >> 4) & 0xf];
+ *ptr++ = hexdig[input[j] & 0xf];
+ if (j >= sizes[k] - 1) break;
+ if (j && !(flags[i] & CRYPT_STRING_NOCRLF))
+ {
+ if (j >= 15 && !((j + 1) % 16))
+ {
+ if (flags[i] & CRYPT_STRING_NOCR)
+ {
+ *ptr++ = '\n';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *ptr++ = '\r';
+ *ptr++ = '\n';
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (j >= 7 && !((j + 1) % 8))
+ *ptr++ = ' ';
+ }
+ *ptr++ = ' ';
+ }
+ if (flags[i] & CRYPT_STRING_NOCR)
+ {
+ *ptr++ = '\n';
+ }
+ else if (!(flags[i] & CRYPT_STRING_NOCRLF))
+ {
+ *ptr++ = '\r';
+ *ptr++ = '\n';
+ }
+ *ptr++ = 0;
+ ret = CryptBinaryToStringW(input, sizes[k], CRYPT_STRING_HEX | flags[i], hex, &strLen);
+ ok(ret, "CryptBinaryToStringW failed: %d\n", GetLastError());
+ strLen2--;
+ ok(strLen == strLen2, "%u: Expected length %d, got %d\n", i, strLen, strLen2);
+ ok(!memcmp(hex, cmp, strLen * sizeof(WCHAR)), "%u: got %s\n", i, wine_dbgstr_wn(hex, strLen));
+ /* adjusts size if buffer too big */
+ strLen *= 2;
+ ret = CryptBinaryToStringW(input, sizes[k], CRYPT_STRING_HEX | flags[i], hex, &strLen);
+ ok(ret, "CryptBinaryToStringW failed: %d\n", GetLastError());
+ ok(strLen == strLen2, "%u: Expected length %d, got %d\n", i, strLen, strLen2);
+ /* no writes if buffer too small */
+ strLen /= 2;
+ strLen2 /= 2;
+ memset(hex, 0xcc, strLen * sizeof(WCHAR));
+ memset(cmp, 0xcc, strLen * sizeof(WCHAR));
+ SetLastError(0xdeadbeef);
+ ret = CryptBinaryToStringW(input, sizes[k], CRYPT_STRING_HEX | flags[i], hex, &strLen);
+ ok(!ret && GetLastError() == ERROR_MORE_DATA,"Expected ERROR_MORE_DATA, got ret=%d le=%u\n",
+ ret, GetLastError());
+ ok(strLen == strLen2, "%u: Expected length %d, got %d\n", i, strLen, strLen2);
+ ok(!memcmp(hex, cmp, strLen * sizeof(WCHAR)), "%u: got %s\n", i, wine_dbgstr_wn(hex, strLen));
+ heap_free(hex);
+ heap_free(cmp);
+ }
static void decodeAndCompareBase64_A(LPCSTR toDecode, LPCSTR header,