Signed-off-by: Hugh McMaster <hugh.mcmaster(a)>
Changes in v4:
- Use CP_ACP code page due to Wine bug detecting DBCS.
- Remove todo_wine.
- Add extra tests.
dlls/kernel32/tests/console.c | 271 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
1 file changed, 269 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/dlls/kernel32/tests/console.c b/dlls/kernel32/tests/console.c
index 8b5abfa2da9..ad98d9a7fbb 100644
--- a/dlls/kernel32/tests/console.c
+++ b/dlls/kernel32/tests/console.c
@@ -3554,10 +3554,17 @@ static void test_GetCurrentConsoleFontEx(HANDLE std_output)
static void test_SetCurrentConsoleFontEx(HANDLE std_output)
- CONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX orig_cfix, cfix;
+ CONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX orig_cfix, cfix, tmp;
BOOL ret;
HANDLE pipe1, pipe2;
HANDLE std_input = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
+ unsigned int cp, font_family;
+ WCHAR face_name[] = L"Courier New";
+ /* Save current console font information */
+ cp = GetConsoleOutputCP();
orig_cfix.cbSize = sizeof(CONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX);
@@ -3651,17 +3658,277 @@ static void test_SetCurrentConsoleFontEx(HANDLE std_output)
ok(!ret, "got %d, expected 0\n", ret);
todo_wine ok(GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, "got %u, expected 6\n", GetLastError());
+ /* Try setting console font information for the current window size */
+ SetConsoleOutputCP(CP_ACP);
+ cfix.cbSize = sizeof(cfix);
+ cfix.nFont = 0;
+ cfix.dwFontSize.X = 8;
+ cfix.dwFontSize.Y = 16;
+ cfix.FontFamily = font_family;
+ cfix.FontWeight = FW_NORMAL;
+ lstrcpyW(cfix.FaceName, face_name);
+ tmp.cbSize = sizeof(tmp);
+ /* Courier New is available in the console by default from Windows 10 build 1607 */
+ ret = SetCurrentConsoleFontEx(std_output, FALSE, &cfix);
+ todo_wine ok(ret, "got %d, expected non-zero\n", ret);
+ ret = GetCurrentConsoleFontEx(std_output, FALSE, &tmp);
+ ok(ret, "got %d, expected non-zero\n", ret);
+ if (lstrcmpW(tmp.FaceName, face_name))
+ {
+ SetConsoleOutputCP(cp);
+ skip("%s not available. Skipping SetCurrentConsoleFontEx tests.\n", wine_dbgstr_w(face_name));
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Test font size 8x16 */
ret = SetCurrentConsoleFontEx(std_output, FALSE, &cfix);
todo_wine ok(ret, "got %d, expected non-zero\n", ret);
todo_wine ok(GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef, "got %u, expected 0xdeadbeef\n", GetLastError());
+ memset(&tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp));
+ tmp.cbSize = sizeof(tmp);
+ ret = GetCurrentConsoleFontEx(std_output, FALSE, &tmp);
+ ok(ret, "got %d, expected non-zero\n", ret);
+ ok(tmp.dwFontSize.X == cfix.dwFontSize.X, "got %u, expected font width of %u\n",
+ tmp.dwFontSize.X, cfix.dwFontSize.X);
+ ok(tmp.dwFontSize.Y == cfix.dwFontSize.Y, "got %u, expected font height of %u\n",
+ tmp.dwFontSize.Y, cfix.dwFontSize.Y);
+ todo_wine ok(tmp.FontFamily == cfix.FontFamily, "got %u, expected %u\n", tmp.FontFamily, cfix.FontFamily);
+ ok(tmp.FontWeight == cfix.FontWeight, "got %u, expected %u\n", tmp.FontWeight, cfix.FontWeight);
+ ok(!lstrcmpW(tmp.FaceName, cfix.FaceName), "got %s, expected %s\n",
+ wine_dbgstr_w(tmp.FaceName), wine_dbgstr_w(cfix.FaceName));
+ /* Test font size 10x20 */
+ cfix.dwFontSize.X = 10;
+ cfix.dwFontSize.Y = 20;
- ret = SetCurrentConsoleFontEx(std_output, TRUE, &cfix);
+ ret = SetCurrentConsoleFontEx(std_output, FALSE, &cfix);
+ todo_wine ok(ret, "got %d, expected non-zero\n", ret);
+ todo_wine ok(GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef, "got %u, expected 0xdeadbeef\n", GetLastError());
+ memset(&tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp));
+ tmp.cbSize = sizeof(tmp);
+ ret = GetCurrentConsoleFontEx(std_output, FALSE, &tmp);
+ ok(ret, "got %d, expected non-zero\n", ret);
+ todo_wine ok(tmp.dwFontSize.X == cfix.dwFontSize.X, "got %u, expected font width of %u\n",
+ tmp.dwFontSize.X, cfix.dwFontSize.X);
+ todo_wine ok(tmp.dwFontSize.Y == cfix.dwFontSize.Y, "got %u, expected font height of %u\n",
+ tmp.dwFontSize.Y, cfix.dwFontSize.Y);
+ todo_wine ok(tmp.FontFamily == cfix.FontFamily, "got %u, expected %u\n", tmp.FontFamily, cfix.FontFamily);
+ ok(tmp.FontWeight == cfix.FontWeight, "got %u, expected %u\n", tmp.FontWeight, cfix.FontWeight);
+ ok(!lstrcmpW(tmp.FaceName, cfix.FaceName), "got %s, expected %s\n",
+ wine_dbgstr_w(tmp.FaceName), wine_dbgstr_w(cfix.FaceName));
+ /* Test font size 5x12. We pass in 10x12. */
+ cfix.dwFontSize.X = 10;
+ cfix.dwFontSize.Y = 12;
+ SetLastError(0xdeadbeef);
+ ret = SetCurrentConsoleFontEx(std_output, FALSE, &cfix);
+ todo_wine ok(ret, "got %d, expected non-zero\n", ret);
+ todo_wine ok(GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef, "got %u, expected 0xdeadbeef\n", GetLastError());
+ memset(&tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp));
+ tmp.cbSize = sizeof(tmp);
+ ret = GetCurrentConsoleFontEx(std_output, FALSE, &tmp);
+ ok(ret, "got %d, expected non-zero\n", ret);
+ todo_wine ok(tmp.dwFontSize.X == 5, "got %u, expected font width of 5\n", tmp.dwFontSize.X);
+ todo_wine ok(tmp.dwFontSize.Y == 12, "got %u, expected font height of 12\n", tmp.dwFontSize.Y);
+ todo_wine ok(tmp.FontFamily == cfix.FontFamily, "got %u, expected %u\n", tmp.FontFamily, cfix.FontFamily);
+ ok(tmp.FontWeight == cfix.FontWeight, "got %u, expected %u\n", tmp.FontWeight, cfix.FontWeight);
+ ok(!lstrcmpW(tmp.FaceName, cfix.FaceName), "got %s, expected %s\n",
+ wine_dbgstr_w(tmp.FaceName), wine_dbgstr_w(cfix.FaceName));
+ /* Test font size 10x20. We pass in 0x20. */
+ cfix.dwFontSize.X = 0;
+ cfix.dwFontSize.Y = 20;
+ SetLastError(0xdeadbeef);
+ ret = SetCurrentConsoleFontEx(std_output, FALSE, &cfix);
+ todo_wine ok(ret, "got %d, expected non-zero\n", ret);
+ todo_wine ok(GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef, "got %u, expected 0xdeadbeef\n", GetLastError());
+ memset(&tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp));
+ tmp.cbSize = sizeof(tmp);
+ ret = GetCurrentConsoleFontEx(std_output, FALSE, &tmp);
+ ok(ret, "got %d, expected non-zero\n", ret);
+ todo_wine ok(tmp.dwFontSize.X == 10, "got %u, expected font width of 10\n", tmp.dwFontSize.X);
+ todo_wine ok(tmp.dwFontSize.Y == 20, "got %u, expected font height of 20\n", tmp.dwFontSize.Y);
+ todo_wine ok(tmp.FontFamily == cfix.FontFamily, "got %u, expected %u\n", tmp.FontFamily, cfix.FontFamily);
+ ok(tmp.FontWeight == cfix.FontWeight, "got %u, expected %u\n", tmp.FontWeight, cfix.FontWeight);
+ ok(!lstrcmpW(tmp.FaceName, face_name), "got %s, expected %s\n",
+ wine_dbgstr_w(tmp.FaceName), wine_dbgstr_w(face_name));
+ /* Test invalid font size 7x0 */
+ cfix = tmp;
+ cfix.dwFontSize.X = 7;
+ cfix.dwFontSize.Y = 0;
+ SetLastError(0xdeadbeef);
+ ret = SetCurrentConsoleFontEx(std_output, FALSE, &cfix);
+ todo_wine ok(ret, "got %d, expected non-zero\n", ret);
+ todo_wine ok(GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef, "got %u, expected 0xdeadbeef\n", GetLastError());
+ memset(&tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp));
+ tmp.cbSize = sizeof(tmp);
+ ret = GetCurrentConsoleFontEx(std_output, FALSE, &tmp);
+ ok(ret, "got %d, expected non-zero\n", ret);
+ todo_wine ok(tmp.dwFontSize.X == 5, "got %u, expected font width of 5\n", tmp.dwFontSize.X);
+ todo_wine ok(tmp.dwFontSize.Y == 12, "got %u, expected font height of 12\n", tmp.dwFontSize.Y);
+ ok(tmp.FontFamily == cfix.FontFamily, "got %u, expected %u\n", tmp.FontFamily, cfix.FontFamily);
+ ok(tmp.FontWeight == cfix.FontWeight, "got %u, expected %u\n", tmp.FontWeight, cfix.FontWeight);
+ ok(!lstrcmpW(tmp.FaceName, cfix.FaceName), "got %s, expected %s\n",
+ wine_dbgstr_w(tmp.FaceName), wine_dbgstr_w(cfix.FaceName));
+ /* Test font size 13x24 */
+ cfix.dwFontSize.X = 13;
+ cfix.dwFontSize.Y = 24;
+ SetLastError(0xdeadbeef);
+ ret = SetCurrentConsoleFontEx(std_output, FALSE, &cfix);
+ todo_wine ok(ret, "got %d, expected non-zero\n", ret);
+ todo_wine ok(GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef, "got %u, expected 0xdeadbeef\n", GetLastError());
+ memset(&tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp));
+ tmp.cbSize = sizeof(tmp);
+ ret = GetCurrentConsoleFontEx(std_output, FALSE, &tmp);
+ ok(ret, "got %d, expected non-zero\n", ret);
+ todo_wine ok(tmp.dwFontSize.X == cfix.dwFontSize.X, "got %u, expected font width of %u\n",
+ tmp.dwFontSize.X, cfix.dwFontSize.X);
+ todo_wine ok(tmp.dwFontSize.Y == cfix.dwFontSize.Y, "got %u, expected font height of %u\n",
+ tmp.dwFontSize.Y, cfix.dwFontSize.Y);
+ ok(tmp.FontFamily == cfix.FontFamily, "got %u, expected %u\n", tmp.FontFamily, cfix.FontFamily);
+ ok(tmp.FontWeight == cfix.FontWeight, "got %u, expected %u\n", tmp.FontWeight, cfix.FontWeight);
+ ok(!lstrcmpW(tmp.FaceName, cfix.FaceName), "got %s, expected %s\n",
+ wine_dbgstr_w(tmp.FaceName), wine_dbgstr_w(cfix.FaceName));
+ /* Test font size 0x0 */
+ cfix.dwFontSize.X = 0;
+ cfix.dwFontSize.Y = 0;
+ SetLastError(0xdeadbeef);
+ ret = SetCurrentConsoleFontEx(std_output, FALSE, &cfix);
todo_wine ok(ret, "got %d, expected non-zero\n", ret);
todo_wine ok(GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef, "got %u, expected 0xdeadbeef\n", GetLastError());
+ memset(&tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp));
+ tmp.cbSize = sizeof(tmp);
+ ret = GetCurrentConsoleFontEx(std_output, FALSE, &tmp);
+ ok(ret, "got %d, expected non-zero\n", ret);
+ todo_wine ok(tmp.dwFontSize.X == 5, "got %u, expected font width of 5\n", tmp.dwFontSize.X);
+ todo_wine ok(tmp.dwFontSize.Y == 12, "got %u, expected font height of 12\n", tmp.dwFontSize.Y);
+ ok(tmp.FontFamily == cfix.FontFamily, "got %u, expected %u\n", tmp.FontFamily, cfix.FontFamily);
+ ok(tmp.FontWeight == cfix.FontWeight, "got %u, expected %u\n", tmp.FontWeight, cfix.FontWeight);
+ ok(!lstrcmpW(tmp.FaceName, cfix.FaceName), "got %s, expected %s\n",
+ wine_dbgstr_w(tmp.FaceName), wine_dbgstr_w(cfix.FaceName));
+ /* Reset to font size 8x16 */
+ cfix.dwFontSize.X = 8;
+ cfix.dwFontSize.Y = 16;
+ SetLastError(0xdeadbeef);
+ ret = SetCurrentConsoleFontEx(std_output, FALSE, &cfix);
+ todo_wine ok(ret, "got %d, expected non-zero\n", ret);
+ todo_wine ok(GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef, "got %u, expected 0xdeadbeef\n", GetLastError());
+ memset(&tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp));
+ tmp.cbSize = sizeof(tmp);
+ ret = GetCurrentConsoleFontEx(std_output, FALSE, &tmp);
+ ok(ret, "got %d, expected non-zero\n", ret);
+ ok(tmp.dwFontSize.X == cfix.dwFontSize.X, "got %u, expected font width of %u\n",
+ tmp.dwFontSize.X, cfix.dwFontSize.X);
+ ok(tmp.dwFontSize.Y == cfix.dwFontSize.Y, "got %u, expected font height of %u\n",
+ tmp.dwFontSize.Y, cfix.dwFontSize.Y);
+ ok(tmp.FontFamily == cfix.FontFamily, "got %u, expected %u\n", tmp.FontFamily, cfix.FontFamily);
+ ok(tmp.FontWeight == cfix.FontWeight, "got %u, expected %u\n", tmp.FontWeight, cfix.FontWeight);
+ ok(!lstrcmpW(tmp.FaceName, face_name), "got %s, expected %s\n",
+ wine_dbgstr_w(tmp.FaceName), wine_dbgstr_w(face_name));
+ /* Test with no font weight */
+ cfix.FontWeight = 0;
+ SetLastError(0xdeadbeef);
+ ret = SetCurrentConsoleFontEx(std_output, FALSE, &cfix);
+ todo_wine ok(ret, "got %d, expected non-zero\n", ret);
+ todo_wine ok(GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef, "got %u, expected 0xdeadbeef\n", GetLastError());
+ memset(&tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp));
+ tmp.cbSize = sizeof(tmp);
+ ret = GetCurrentConsoleFontEx(std_output, FALSE, &tmp);
+ ok(ret, "got %d, expected non-zero\n", ret);
+ ok(tmp.dwFontSize.X == cfix.dwFontSize.X, "got %u, expected font width of %u\n",
+ tmp.dwFontSize.X, cfix.dwFontSize.Y);
+ ok(tmp.dwFontSize.Y == cfix.dwFontSize.Y, "got %u, expected font height of %u\n",
+ tmp.dwFontSize.Y, cfix.dwFontSize.Y);
+ ok(tmp.FontFamily == cfix.FontFamily, "got %u, expected %u\n", tmp.FontFamily, cfix.FontFamily);
+ ok(tmp.FontWeight == FW_NORMAL, "got %u, expected %u\n", tmp.FontWeight, FW_NORMAL);
+ ok(!lstrcmpW(tmp.FaceName, face_name), "got %s, expected %s\n",
+ wine_dbgstr_w(tmp.FaceName), wine_dbgstr_w(face_name));
+ /* Test with invalid font face name */
+ cfix.FontWeight = FW_NORMAL;
+ lstrcpyW(cfix.FaceName, L"MissingFont");
+ SetLastError(0xdeadbeef);
+ ret = SetCurrentConsoleFontEx(std_output, FALSE, &cfix);
+ todo_wine ok(ret, "got %d, expected non-zero\n", ret);
+ todo_wine ok(GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef, "got %u, expected 0xdeadbeef\n", GetLastError());
+ memset(&tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp));
+ tmp.cbSize = sizeof(tmp);
+ ret = GetCurrentConsoleFontEx(std_output, FALSE, &tmp);
+ ok(ret, "got %d, expected non-zero\n", ret);
+ ok(tmp.dwFontSize.X == cfix.dwFontSize.X, "got %u, expected font width of %u\n",
+ tmp.dwFontSize.X, cfix.dwFontSize.X);
+ ok(tmp.dwFontSize.Y == cfix.dwFontSize.Y, "got %u, expected font height of %u\n",
+ tmp.dwFontSize.Y, cfix.dwFontSize.Y);
+ todo_wine ok(tmp.FontFamily == cfix.FontFamily, "got %u, expected %u\n", tmp.FontFamily, cfix.FontFamily);
+ ok(tmp.FontWeight == cfix.FontWeight, "got %u, expected %u\n", tmp.FontWeight, cfix.FontWeight);
+ ok(!lstrcmpW(tmp.FaceName, face_name), "got %s, expected %s\n",
+ wine_dbgstr_w(tmp.FaceName), wine_dbgstr_w(face_name));
+ /* Test with no font face name */
+ cfix.FaceName[0] = 0;
+ SetLastError(0xdeadbeef);
+ ret = SetCurrentConsoleFontEx(std_output, FALSE, &cfix);
+ todo_wine ok(ret, "got %d, expected non-zero\n", ret);
+ todo_wine ok(GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef, "got %u, expected 0xdeadbeef\n", GetLastError());
+ memset(&tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp));
+ tmp.cbSize = sizeof(tmp);
+ ret = GetCurrentConsoleFontEx(std_output, FALSE, &tmp);
+ ok(ret, "got %d, expected non-zero\n", ret);
+ ok(tmp.dwFontSize.X == cfix.dwFontSize.X, "got %u, expected font width of %u\n",
+ tmp.dwFontSize.X, cfix.dwFontSize.X);
+ ok(tmp.dwFontSize.Y == cfix.dwFontSize.Y, "got %u, expected font height of %u\n",
+ tmp.dwFontSize.Y, cfix.dwFontSize.Y);
+ todo_wine ok(tmp.FontFamily == cfix.FontFamily, "got %u, expected %u\n", tmp.FontFamily, cfix.FontFamily);
+ ok(tmp.FontWeight == cfix.FontWeight, "got %u, expected %u\n", tmp.FontWeight, cfix.FontWeight);
+ ok(!lstrcmpW(tmp.FaceName, face_name), "got %s, expected %s\n",
+ wine_dbgstr_w(tmp.FaceName), wine_dbgstr_w(face_name));
/* Restore original console font parameters */
+ SetConsoleOutputCP(cp);
ret = SetCurrentConsoleFontEx(std_output, FALSE, &orig_cfix);
todo_wine ok(ret, "got %d, expected non-zero\n", ret);