Signed-off-by: Torge Matthies <tmatthies(a)>
dlls/msvcr120/tests/msvcr120.c | 269 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 269 insertions(+)
diff --git a/dlls/msvcr120/tests/msvcr120.c b/dlls/msvcr120/tests/msvcr120.c
index a3161266db41..26b363de6c59 100644
--- a/dlls/msvcr120/tests/msvcr120.c
+++ b/dlls/msvcr120/tests/msvcr120.c
@@ -162,6 +162,27 @@ typedef struct {
Context *ctx;
} _Context;
+typedef struct _StructuredTaskCollection
+ void *unk1;
+ unsigned int unk2;
+ void *unk3;
+ Context *context;
+ volatile LONG count;
+ volatile LONG finished;
+ void *unk4;
+ void *event;
+} _StructuredTaskCollection;
+typedef struct _UnrealizedChore
+ const vtable_ptr *vtable;
+ void (__cdecl *proc)(struct _UnrealizedChore*);
+ struct _StructuredTaskCollection *task_collection;
+ void (__cdecl *proc_wrapper)(struct _UnrealizedChore*);
+ void *unk[6];
+} _UnrealizedChore;
static char* (CDECL *p_setlocale)(int category, const char* locale);
static struct MSVCRT_lconv* (CDECL *p_localeconv)(void);
static size_t (CDECL *p_wcstombs_s)(size_t *ret, char* dest, size_t sz, const wchar_t* src, size_t max);
@@ -225,6 +246,11 @@ static void (__thiscall *p__Condition_variable_notify_all)(_Condition_variable*)
static Context* (__cdecl *p_Context_CurrentContext)(void);
static _Context* (__cdecl *p__Context__CurrentContext)(_Context*);
+static _StructuredTaskCollection* (__thiscall *p__StructuredTaskCollection_ctor)(_StructuredTaskCollection*, void*);
+static void (__thiscall *p__StructuredTaskCollection_dtor)(_StructuredTaskCollection*);
+static void (__thiscall *p__StructuredTaskCollection__Schedule)(_StructuredTaskCollection*, _UnrealizedChore*);
+static int (__stdcall *p__StructuredTaskCollection__RunAndWait)(_StructuredTaskCollection*, _UnrealizedChore*);
#define SETNOFAIL(x,y) x = (void*)GetProcAddress(module,y)
#define SET(x,y) do { SETNOFAIL(x,y); ok(x != NULL, "Export '%s' not found\n", y); } while(0)
@@ -279,6 +305,14 @@ static BOOL init(void)
SET(p_towctrans, "towctrans");
SET(p__Context__CurrentContext, "?_CurrentContext@_Context@details@Concurrency@@SA?AV123@XZ");
if(sizeof(void*) == 8) { /* 64-bit initialization */
+ SET(p__StructuredTaskCollection_ctor,
+ "??0_StructuredTaskCollection@details@Concurrency@@QEAA@PEAV_CancellationTokenState@12@@Z");
+ SET(p__StructuredTaskCollection_dtor,
+ "??1_StructuredTaskCollection@details@Concurrency@@QEAA@XZ");
+ SET(p__StructuredTaskCollection__Schedule,
+ "?_Schedule@_StructuredTaskCollection@details@Concurrency@@QEAAXPEAV_UnrealizedChore@23@@Z");
+ SET(p__StructuredTaskCollection__RunAndWait,
+ "?_RunAndWait@_StructuredTaskCollection@details@Concurrency@@QEAA?AW4_TaskCollectionStatus@23@PEAV_UnrealizedChore@23@@Z");
@@ -313,6 +347,14 @@ static BOOL init(void)
} else {
#ifdef __arm__
+ SET(p__StructuredTaskCollection_ctor,
+ "??0_StructuredTaskCollection@details@Concurrency@@QAA@PAV_CancellationTokenState@12@@Z");
+ SET(p__StructuredTaskCollection_dtor,
+ "??1_StructuredTaskCollection@details@Concurrency@@QAA@XZ");
+ SET(p__StructuredTaskCollection__Schedule,
+ "?_Schedule@_StructuredTaskCollection@details@Concurrency@@QAAXPAV_UnrealizedChore@23@@Z");
+ SET(p__StructuredTaskCollection__RunAndWait,
+ "?_RunAndWait@_StructuredTaskCollection@details@Concurrency@@QAA?AW4_TaskCollectionStatus@23@PAV_UnrealizedChore@23@@Z");
@@ -344,6 +386,14 @@ static BOOL init(void)
+ SET(p__StructuredTaskCollection_ctor,
+ "??0_StructuredTaskCollection@details@Concurrency@@QAE@PAV_CancellationTokenState@12@@Z");
+ SET(p__StructuredTaskCollection_dtor,
+ "??1_StructuredTaskCollection@details@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ");
+ SET(p__StructuredTaskCollection__Schedule,
+ "?_Schedule@_StructuredTaskCollection@details@Concurrency@@QAEXPAV_UnrealizedChore@23@@Z");
+ SET(p__StructuredTaskCollection__RunAndWait,
+ "?_RunAndWait@_StructuredTaskCollection@details@Concurrency@@QAG?AW4_TaskCollectionStatus@23@PAV_UnrealizedChore@23@@Z");
@@ -1270,6 +1320,224 @@ static void test_CurrentContext(void)
ok(ret == &_ctx, "expected %p, got %p\n", &_ctx, ret);
+static void _UnrealizedChore_ctor(_UnrealizedChore *chore, void (__cdecl *proc)(_UnrealizedChore*))
+ memset(chore, 0, sizeof(*chore));
+ chore->proc = proc;
+struct chore
+ _UnrealizedChore chore;
+ BOOL executed;
+ HANDLE start_event;
+ HANDLE set_event;
+ HANDLE wait_event;
+ DWORD main_tid;
+static void __cdecl chore_proc(_UnrealizedChore *_this)
+ struct chore *chore = CONTAINING_RECORD(_this, struct chore, chore);
+ if (chore->start_event)
+ {
+ DWORD ret = WaitForSingleObject(chore->start_event, 5000);
+ ok(ret == WAIT_OBJECT_0, "WaitForSingleObject returned %ld\n", ret);
+ }
+ ok(!chore->executed, "Chore was already executed\n");
+ if (chore->main_tid)
+ {
+ ok(GetCurrentThreadId() == chore->main_tid,
+ "Main chore is not running on the main thread: 0x%lx != 0x%lx\n",
+ GetCurrentThreadId(), chore->main_tid);
+ }
+ if (!chore->wait_event)
+ chore->executed = TRUE;
+ if (chore->set_event)
+ {
+ BOOL b = SetEvent(chore->set_event);
+ ok(b, "SetEvent failed\n");
+ }
+ if (chore->wait_event)
+ {
+ DWORD ret = WaitForSingleObject(chore->wait_event, 5000);
+ ok(ret == WAIT_OBJECT_0, "WaitForSingleObject returned %ld\n", ret);
+ chore->executed = TRUE;
+ }
+static void chore_ctor(struct chore *chore)
+ memset(chore, 0, sizeof(*chore));
+ _UnrealizedChore_ctor(&chore->chore, chore_proc);
+static void test_StructuredTaskCollection(void)
+ HANDLE chore_start_evt, chore_evt1, chore_evt2;
+ _StructuredTaskCollection task_coll;
+ struct chore chore1, chore2;
+ DWORD main_thread_id;
+ Context *context;
+ int status;
+ DWORD ret;
+ BOOL b;
+ main_thread_id = GetCurrentThreadId();
+ context = p_Context_CurrentContext();
+ memset(&task_coll, 0x55, sizeof(task_coll));
+ if (!call_func2(p__StructuredTaskCollection_ctor, &task_coll, NULL))
+ {
+ skip("_StructuredTaskCollection constructor not implemented\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ ok(task_coll.unk2 == 0x1fffffff,
+ "_StructuredTaskCollection ctor set wrong unk2: 0x%x != 0x1fffffff\n", task_coll.unk2);
+ ok(task_coll.unk3 == NULL,
+ "_StructuredTaskCollection ctor set wrong unk3: %p != NULL\n", task_coll.unk3);
+ ok(task_coll.context == NULL,
+ "_StructuredTaskCollection ctor set wrong context: %p != NULL\n", task_coll.context);
+ ok(task_coll.count == 0,
+ "_StructuredTaskCollection ctor set wrong count: %ld != 0\n", task_coll.count);
+ ok(task_coll.finished == LONG_MIN,
+ "_StructuredTaskCollection ctor set wrong finished: %ld != %ld\n", task_coll.finished, LONG_MIN);
+ ok(task_coll.unk4 == NULL,
+ "_StructuredTaskCollection ctor set wrong unk4: %p != NULL\n", task_coll.unk4);
+ chore_start_evt = CreateEventW(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
+ ok(chore_start_evt != NULL, "CreateEvent failed: 0x%lx\n", GetLastError());
+ chore_evt1 = CreateEventW(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
+ ok(chore_evt1 != NULL, "CreateEvent failed: 0x%lx\n", GetLastError());
+ chore_evt2 = CreateEventW(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
+ ok(chore_evt2 != NULL, "CreateEvent failed: 0x%lx\n", GetLastError());
+ /* test running chores (only main) */
+ chore_ctor(&chore1);
+ chore1.main_tid = main_thread_id;
+ status = p__StructuredTaskCollection__RunAndWait(&task_coll, &chore1.chore);
+ ok(status == 1, "_StructuredTaskCollection::_RunAndWait failed: %d\n", status);
+ ok(chore1.executed, "Scheduled chore was not executed\n");
+ call_func1(p__StructuredTaskCollection_dtor, &task_coll);
+ /* test running chores (main + scheduled) */
+ call_func2(p__StructuredTaskCollection_ctor, &task_coll, NULL);
+ ResetEvent(chore_start_evt);
+ chore_ctor(&chore1);
+ chore1.start_event = chore_start_evt;
+ chore_ctor(&chore2);
+ chore2.main_tid = main_thread_id;
+ call_func2(p__StructuredTaskCollection__Schedule, &task_coll, &chore1.chore);
+ ok(chore1.chore.task_collection == &task_coll, "Wrong chore #1 task_collection: expected %p, actual %p\n",
+ &task_coll, chore1.chore.task_collection);
+ ok(chore1.chore.proc_wrapper != NULL, "Chore #1 proc_wrapper was not set\n");
+ ok(task_coll.count == 1, "Wrong chore count: %ld != 1\n", task_coll.count);
+ ok(task_coll.context == context, "Unexpected context: %p != %p\n", task_coll.context, context);
+ b = SetEvent(chore_start_evt);
+ ok(b, "SetEvent failed\n");
+ status = p__StructuredTaskCollection__RunAndWait(&task_coll, &chore2.chore);
+ ok(status == 1, "_StructuredTaskCollection::_RunAndWait failed: %d\n", status);
+ ok(chore1.executed, "Scheduled chore was not executed\n");
+ ok(chore2.executed, "Main chore was not executed\n");
+ call_func1(p__StructuredTaskCollection_dtor, &task_coll);
+ /* test that scheduled chores may run in parallel */
+ call_func2(p__StructuredTaskCollection_ctor, &task_coll, NULL);
+ ResetEvent(chore_start_evt);
+ chore_ctor(&chore1);
+ chore1.start_event = chore_start_evt;
+ chore1.set_event = chore_evt2;
+ chore1.wait_event = chore_evt1;
+ chore_ctor(&chore2);
+ chore2.start_event = chore_start_evt;
+ chore2.set_event = chore_evt1;
+ chore2.wait_event = chore_evt2;
+ call_func2(p__StructuredTaskCollection__Schedule, &task_coll, &chore1.chore);
+ ok(chore1.chore.task_collection == &task_coll, "Wrong chore #1 task_collection: expected %p, actual %p\n",
+ &task_coll, chore1.chore.task_collection);
+ ok(chore1.chore.proc_wrapper != NULL, "Chore #1 proc_wrapper was not set\n");
+ ok(task_coll.count == 1, "Wrong chore count: %ld != 1\n", task_coll.count);
+ ok(task_coll.context == context, "Unexpected context: %p != %p\n", task_coll.context, context);
+ call_func2(p__StructuredTaskCollection__Schedule, &task_coll, &chore2.chore);
+ ok(chore2.chore.task_collection == &task_coll, "Wrong chore #2 task_collection: expected %p, actual %p\n",
+ &task_coll, chore2.chore.task_collection);
+ ok(chore2.chore.proc_wrapper != NULL, "Chore #2 proc_wrapper was not set\n");
+ ok(task_coll.count == 2, "Wrong chore count: %ld != 2\n", task_coll.count);
+ ok(task_coll.context == context, "Unexpected context: %p != %p\n", task_coll.context, context);
+ b = SetEvent(chore_start_evt);
+ ok(b, "SetEvent failed\n");
+ status = p__StructuredTaskCollection__RunAndWait(&task_coll, NULL);
+ ok(status == 1, "_StructuredTaskCollection::_RunAndWait failed: %d\n", status);
+ ok(chore1.executed, "Chore #1 was not executed\n");
+ ok(chore2.executed, "Chore #2 was not executed\n");
+ call_func1(p__StructuredTaskCollection_dtor, &task_coll);
+ /* test that scheduled chores are executed even if _RunAndWait is not called */
+ call_func2(p__StructuredTaskCollection_ctor, &task_coll, NULL);
+ ResetEvent(chore_start_evt);
+ chore_ctor(&chore1);
+ chore1.start_event = chore_start_evt;
+ chore1.set_event = chore_evt1;
+ call_func2(p__StructuredTaskCollection__Schedule, &task_coll, &chore1.chore);
+ ok(chore1.chore.task_collection == &task_coll, "Wrong chore #1 task_collection: expected %p, actual %p\n",
+ &task_coll, chore1.chore.task_collection);
+ ok(chore1.chore.proc_wrapper != NULL, "Chore #1 proc_wrapper was not set\n");
+ ok(task_coll.count == 1, "Wrong chore count: %ld != 1\n", task_coll.count);
+ ok(task_coll.context == context, "Unexpected context: %p != %p\n", task_coll.context, context);
+ b = SetEvent(chore_start_evt);
+ ok(b, "SetEvent failed\n");
+ ret = WaitForSingleObject(chore_evt1, 5000);
+ ok(ret == WAIT_OBJECT_0, "WaitForSingleObject returned %ld\n", ret);
+ ok(chore1.executed, "Chore was not executed\n");
+ status = p__StructuredTaskCollection__RunAndWait(&task_coll, NULL);
+ ok(status == 1, "_StructuredTaskCollection::_RunAndWait failed: %d\n", status);
+ ok(chore1.chore.task_collection == NULL, "Chore's task collection was not reset after execution\n");
+ call_func1(p__StructuredTaskCollection_dtor, &task_coll);
+ /* test that finished chores can be scheduled again */
+ call_func2(p__StructuredTaskCollection_ctor, &task_coll, NULL);
+ ResetEvent(chore_start_evt);
+ chore1.set_event = NULL;
+ chore1.executed = FALSE;
+ call_func2(p__StructuredTaskCollection__Schedule, &task_coll, &chore1.chore);
+ ok(chore1.chore.task_collection == &task_coll, "Wrong chore #1 task_collection: expected %p, actual %p\n",
+ &task_coll, chore1.chore.task_collection);
+ ok(chore1.chore.proc_wrapper != NULL, "Chore #1 proc_wrapper was not set\n");
+ ok(task_coll.count == 1, "Wrong chore count: %ld != 1\n", task_coll.count);
+ ok(task_coll.context == context, "Unexpected context: %p != %p\n", task_coll.context, context);
+ b = SetEvent(chore_start_evt);
+ ok(b, "SetEvent failed\n");
+ status = p__StructuredTaskCollection__RunAndWait(&task_coll, NULL);
+ ok(status == 1, "_StructuredTaskCollection::_RunAndWait failed: %d\n", status);
+ ok(chore1.executed, "Chore was not executed\n");
+ call_func1(p__StructuredTaskCollection_dtor, &task_coll);
+ CloseHandle(chore_start_evt);
+ CloseHandle(chore_evt1);
+ CloseHandle(chore_evt2);
if (!init()) return;
@@ -1292,4 +1560,5 @@ START_TEST(msvcr120)
+ test_StructuredTaskCollection();