I'm not sure if there's a 'correct' way to import headers from another project, so this might need some work.
v2: uiautomationcore: Add basic IAccessible2 support.
ia2comproxy: Introduce new proxy stub DLL for IAccessible2.
include: Import IAccessible2 headers.
Fixes SCP: Secret Laboratory crash on launch after recent game update.
Windows normally returns some entries even if there is no active network connection. I however was able to test no data case on the up to date Windows 10 by disabling all the network adapters and clearing arp cache with 'arp -d *'. So GetIpNetTable() returns ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER when called without buffer (first time in test) with some excessive buffer size. But then when called with the buffer it returns ERROR_NO_DATA and sets number of entries in the table to 0.