v3: win32u: Move writing mode to registry out of graphics drivers.
win32u: Move NtUserChangeDisplaySettings mode validation to a separate helper.
win32u: Move reading mode from registry out of graphics drivers.
win32u: Set generic DEVMODEW fields in NtUserEnumDisplaySettings.
win32u: Move default UpdateDisplayDevices implementation out of nulldrv.
When `GetMixFormat` or `GetDevicePeriod` are used, return values specific to the selected device instead of those of the default one.
This is especially useful when the audio devices features less channels than one specifically selected by the application.
This patch is part of an attempt to get Sony's DualSense controllers to work with Windows games through Wine. This is not enough by itself, but getting the proper mix format is required for most of those games to correctly use the haptic feedback features of the DualSense (which go through an audio output with 4 audio devices).
v5: winepulse: Return device-specific values for GetDevicePeriod
winepulse: Return device-specific values for GetMixFormat
winepulse: Store device-specific format and periods
When `GetMixFormat` or `GetDevicePeriod` are used, return values specific to the selected device instead of those of the default one.
This is especially useful when the audio devices features less channels than one specifically selected by the application.
This patch is part of an attempt to get Sony's DualSense controllers to work with Windows games through Wine. This is not enough by itself, but getting the proper mix format is required for most of those games to correctly use the haptic feedback features of the DualSense (which go through an audio output with 4 audio devices).
v4: winepulse: Return device-specific values for GetDevicePeriod
winepulse: Return device-specific values for GetMixFormat
winepulse: Store device-specific format and periods
v2: win32u: Move writing mode to registry out of graphics drivers.
win32u: Move NtUserChangeDisplaySettings mode validation to a separate helper.
win32u: Move reading mode from registry out of graphics drivers.
win32u: Set generic DEVMODEW fields in NtUserEnumDisplaySettings.
win32u: Move default UpdateDisplayDevices implementation out of nulldrv.
When `GetMixFormat` or `GetDevicePeriod` are used, return values specific to the selected device instead of those of the default one.
This is especially useful when the audio devices features less channels than one specifically selected by the application.
This patch is part of an attempt to get Sony's DualSense controllers to work with Windows games through Wine. This is not enough by itself, but getting the proper mix format is required for most of those games to correctly use the haptic feedback features of the DualSense (which go through an audio output with 4 audio devices).
v3: winepulse: Return device-specific values for GetMixFormat and GetDevicePeriod