On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 6:11 PM, Edward Savage epssyis@gmail.com wrote:
<snip thread>
Sorry this is a little off topic from D3D but maybe what the OP is looking for.
I'm not sure how easy it is but .net 3.5 sp1 is currently a blocker for several high profile games that would otherwise work well with Wine, and many others that may work. .net needs to install correctly and function well enough so that generic .net game lunchers run and (importantly) Games for Windows Live runs and authenticates. GFWL is what many of these games rely on and it is currently blocked by .net so it's unknown how well it runs under Wine but it does install properly.
This maybe suited to a GSoC project and in my opinion would have the greatest positive outcome for gamers.
Edward seems to know what I'm after. :-) As I mentioned originally, I'm a gamer and so that's where I'd like to lend my coding arm. If .net is doable, I'd certainly look into that too.
Note, I don't want to discourage you but I'm not sure if we should write any benchmark app to be bundled with Wine. When a game is slow it can be due to a lot of factors:
- quality of the display drivers, basically only Nvidia's drivers
(though AMD is catching up) are well optimized
- opengl extensions supported by the display driver, not all drivers
support functionality like FBOs, GLSL and other stuff which is needed to run games at good speeds
- behavior of the app, if unlucky the app makes calls which are
inefficient to emulate (on newer cards, modern opengl extensions can remove some of the limitations and we use such extensions where we can)
So when you encounter a 3D performance issue, it is not necessarily a Wine issue.
I certainly agree here 100% -- however, my own previous experiences have led me to conclude that there are Wine performance deficiencies *somewhere* (maybe not necessarily D3D, but it seems the likely candidate). See e.g. Warcraft 3 and World of Warcraft. Both of these games have Direct3D and OpenGL modes. Running each game in Wine (at least in my testing from several months to a year ago) D3D was anywhere from 40-60% slower than OpenGL mode. I'd be happy to test with the latest Wine, too. The point is, all things being held constant, calls that had to go through WineD3D were much slower. That's where the spirit of my proposal came from, anyways.
Now, you might say "does Wine need some sort of benchmarking?" That's debatable. Maybe it could be a part of dxdiag? My goal for this proposal was to create something that developers could use to assess performance deficiencies, or that end users (maybe) could use to figure out what type of effects ought to be turned off/down on their systems. Essentially, answer the question "what's making my FPS drop?" Is it AF, AA, specular lighting, HDR?
There's been a lot of feedback so far (thanks!) So far, the projects I'd like most are roughly:
* Get .net 3.5 working * Implement dxdiag * DirectShow/Gstreamer * The "Direct3D - Conformance / Performance / Interactive tests" given @ http://wiki.winehq.org/SummerOfCode#head-8d0895f237c9c3579ffe4282412bbbf2c8c...
Again, many thanks for all the helpful feedback. I look forward to (hopefully) being able to work with you all in the near future. :-)