On 9/24/05, wino@piments.com wino@piments.com wrote:
Are there any issues with more recent glibc?
I am looking to what has changed on my system since I had wine working nicely a few months back.
It occured to me that I probably have updated glibc at some point possibly later then the wine build that worked to well until I foolishly tried to update it.
Is there anything here we need to be aware of?
TIA for any detail.
I just found out two days ago that Wine built with GCC 4.0 breaks SecuRom protected games -- probably in signal handling. It's deja vu all over again to what happened with the kernel. Debian (unstable?) just happened to switch to GCC 4.0. We need to identify the problem before the GCC 4.0 migration progresses. Don't know if this is your problem but who knows?