Vitaly Lipatov wrote:
ETO_GRAYED - undocumented on MSDN
ETO_OPAQUE - use background color for fill the rectangle
ETO_CLIPPED - clipping text to the rectangle
+ * ETO_GLYPH_INDEX - Buffer is of glyph locations in fonts rather than encoded characters. Implies ETO_IGNORELANGUAGE
+ * ETO_RTLREADING - Paragraph is basically a right-to-left paragraph. Affects BiDi ordering
+ * ETO_IGNORELANGUAGE - Undocumented in MSDN - instructs ExtTextOut not to do BiDi reordering
ETO_PDY - unimplemented
ETO_NUMERICSLATIN - unimplemented
ETO_NUMERICSLOCAL - unimplemented
+ * ETO_NUMERICSLATIN - unimplemented always assumed - do not translate numbers into locale representations + * ETO_NUMERICSLOCAL - unimplemented - Numerals in Arabic/Farsi context should assume local form