Hi Henri,
Do you think so generally, meaning it's better to educate users in wine/regedit usage :) or the feature is not in the beta-state yet?
Its disabled by default, and even when enabled is not expected to affect non-3D apps (please correct me). And it potentially brings less harm by misconfiguration than DLL overrides available near.
Nevertheless, I think in slightly opposite way. There are number of applications that run smoothly with what you had adjusted already in this area, why not allow regular users to try an app with and without the feature in convenient way?
Best, Donnie
25.04.2017, 00:10, "Henri Verbeet" hverbeet@gmail.com:
On 24 April 2017 at 23:01, Donat Enikeev donat@enikeev.net wrote:
@@ -181,6 +181,9 @@ BEGIN EDITTEXT IDC_RES_DPIEDIT,188,105,23,13,ES_NUMBER|WS_TABSTOP LTEXT "#msgctxt#unit: dots/inch#dpi",IDC_STATIC,215,107,30,8 LTEXT "This is a sample text using 10 point Tahoma",IDC_RES_FONT_PREVIEW,15,124,230,49 + + GROUPBOX "CSMT",IDC_STATIC,8,186,244,32 + CONTROL "Enable multi-threaded command stream in Direct3D",IDC_ENABLE_CSMT,"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,15,202,230,8 END
IDD_DLLCFG DIALOG 0, 0, 260, 220
I don't think so, this is not a setting regular users should be modifying.