Thank you. I'm sorry for the mistakes I've made.
As this patch still needs improving, maybe mark 104193, 104110, 103576 as rejected?
2014-04-26 20:44 GMT+08:00 Jacek Caban
Hi Zhenbo,
This is better, but:
On 04/26/14 05:12, Zhenbo Li wrote:
- hres = var2str(&v, &val);
- if (hres != S_OK){
ERR("Set Width(%s) failed when initializing a nsAString!\n",
Again, this is not initialized in the error case.
As I've added
- default:
nsAString_Init(nsstr, NULL);
FIXME("unsupported arg %s\n", debugstr_variant(p));
return E_NOTIMPL;
- }
Isn't it enough?
Or you mean here?
- ret = nsAString_Init(nsstr, str);
- SysFreeString(str);
- return ret ? S_OK : E_OUTOFMEMORY;
Should I free a string which failed when initializing due to out-of-memory?
- hres = nsstr_to_truncated_bstr(&val, &bstr);
- if (FAILED(hres)) {
And bstr is not initialized in error case.
The error case comes from
- ret = end ? SysAllocStringLen(str, end-str) : SysAllocString(str);
- if(!ret)
I have the same question.
Also, as Dmitry pointed, you don't check for some errors in var2str.
This is my fault, I'll fix it then. Thanks Dmitry, too