On 11/21/2011 16:29, Jacek Caban wrote:
On 11/21/11 15:16, Nikolay Sivov wrote:
On 11/21/2011 16:09, Jacek Caban wrote:
Hi Nikolay,
On 11/21/11 08:24, Nikolay Sivov wrote:
Added common ISupportErrorInfo implementation
+/* common ISupportErrorInfo implementation */ +typedef struct {
- ISupportErrorInfo ISupportErrorInfo_iface;
- LONG ref;
- const tid_t* iids;
+} SupportErrorInfo;
+static inline SupportErrorInfo *impl_from_ISupportErrorInfo(ISupportErrorInfo *iface) +{
- return CONTAINING_RECORD(iface, SupportErrorInfo,
ISupportErrorInfo_iface); +}
+static HRESULT WINAPI SupportErrorInfo_QueryInterface(ISupportErrorInfo *iface, REFIID riid, void **obj) +{
- SupportErrorInfo *This = impl_from_ISupportErrorInfo(iface);
- TRACE("(%p)->(%s %p)\n", This, debugstr_guid(riid), obj);
- *obj = NULL;
- if (IsEqualGUID(riid,&IID_IUnknown) ||
IsEqualGUID(riid,&IID_ISupportErrorInfo)) {
*obj = iface;
return S_OK;
- }
This doesn't seem to be the right approach. You need to return here interfaces of an object that inherits your ISupportErrorInfo implementation - that's the COM rule.
I know but that's not how native works. ISupportErrorInfo reference counting is completely separated from object your queried it from.
Still, QI doesn't look right (unless you also have tests for this). See something like this:
IDOMXMLNode_QueryInterface(node, &IID_ISupportErrorInfo, (void**)&sei); ISupportErrorInfo_QueryInterface(sei, &IID_IDOMXMLNode, (void**)&node2);
The second QueryInterface call should succeeded, but it won't with your implementation.
Yeah, I thought about that when I added this implementation, and maybe it should work this way but it doesn't on native :) I have a test for that that I'll submit as a separate patch. This interface looks more like meta thing that doesn't belong to any DOM object at all.