hi there! I have to wonder if i don't use WinE more than the "average" Fedora Core 5 user. I am forever trying to figure out how to run my old Windows apps here in the linux environment, using your incredible software.
If ever you seek a "test subject", or feedback of any kind, please don't hesitate to include me as a candidate for some "volunteer work".
If i may be so bold, i wish to address an issue related to WinE and some Web Development software:
I have been able to successfully install, and use the Web Dev IDE, HomeSite+ (as in "the homesite which comes w/ dreamweaver nowadays"). previous to this, i was unable to get Bradbury's TopStyle Lite to operate under WinE due to the inability to "find Internet Exlorer", yet it seems as though HomeSite opens TopStyle w/out it's dependecy on IE keeping it from opening (bypassing the "warning" you might say). [can i just say it's sooo cool to finally have TopStyle here in Linux!!! thank you!).
I guess you could say then that my question for you is: "How might i go about trying to get IE6 to be "recognized" by such WinE-apps as TopStyle?"
I have installed, and use the "ies4linux" ( here for more info if you're unfamiliar with it: http://novicenotes.com/install-internet-explorer-on-linux-under-wine-run-ie-... ), but though it works VERY well launching from the Fedora Terminal, i can't seem to get it to be recognized by "Windows" (WinE) as an available Browser. The apps i've tried which seem unable to integrate it are i. EditPlus 2.x (current) ii. TSW WebCoder 5 (as TSW Webcoder 2005 ( Delphi ) will NOT run on WinE, though i wish i did as i have a purchased licence) iii. TopStyle Lite iv. HomeSite Dreamweaver 8 will both run on WinE, and execute "normally", the ies4linux IE6-- yet, obviously there is a primary difference in that IE is NOT integrated into DreamWeaver as "part of the app", as it is in WebCoder and TopStyle. My best guess is that those apps have some security measure preventing a "non-standard" IE to become part of its processes. who knows.
anyway-- i thought there was something else, but i suppose that's more than enough b.s. from me from one sitting.
good luck in your work! if you have any ideas for my situation, i'd appriciate your input. again, please don't hesitate to inquire if you'd like for me to "test" anything for you and report my findings. i realize you probably have a whole lot of people already out there, but feel free to add me to the list.
thanks, --Jeff Sabarese