--- Mike McCormack mike@codeweavers.com wrote:
I've noticed that STI.DLL uses the
interface, which is defined by the STIUSD.H file I haven't got (it might be part of the Windows DDK
something). Any idea where to find it?
I can't see any definition of IStiDeviceControl in the Windows SDK. Where are you seeing stiusd.h?
It's in the .NET 2003 MSDN Library documentation, section "Windows Development", subsection "Device Drivers", somewhere in the still image stuff (I can send you a PDF of it, it's around 30 MB). IStiUSD and IStiDeviceControl are probably part of the Windows DDK (Device Driver Kit), and that you get separately from Microsoft (for a ridiculous price).
I'll see if I can get it from the ReactOS people. Does anyone else on this mailing list have the Windows DDK around and a spare stiusd.h they want to share?
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