On Dec 31, 2007 6:42 PM, James McKenzie jjmckenzie51@sprintpcs.com wrote:
I agree. If you cannot find the application or a demo version to work with, how can you fix the bug. Logs and other helpers go a long way. Maybe an intro page as to what is needed and how to get it. This will become more and more critical as the project approaches 'release' status (1.0). Also, marking bugs as having insufficient information to fix advises the reporter that the project needs more information to help or troubleshoot.
Maybe add a resolution of NEEDMOREINFO?
This would put a heavy load on the bug admins and actually slow down the process. I work on other projects. Clicking on the "NEW BUG" link should take a person to a web page with reporting criteria. At this point, the reporter will read through a page of what should be done to report a bug. After clicking a 'I read and understand the reporting requirements', then the reporter will be able to submit a bug. After a few cycles of this, regular reporters will not be subject to this page and will be taken instead to the regular bug reporting page. For the occasional reporter, this is a good way to handle bug reports, IMHO.
- Austin