--- "Dimitrie O. Paun" dimi@intelliware.ca wrote:
Well, I don't know why the w32api guys create their own headers instead of using ours, that is their business. However, I don't understand why the ReactOS folks have yet another set! Why not work with the Wine headers? If there are problems, we are more than willing to fix them, I don't think they are so far away from the truth, are they?
Well first off WINE doesnt support drivers so we have to have a DDK from somewhere that does give us support for developing WDM kernel mode drivers.
Also, I still don't understand what the problems are. It can't be that there are many versions, that's irrelevant. It's like saying your car has a problem because there are other cars :)
I have rebuilt a few engines in my day and this has been like trying to take parts from a BMW and use them on a Honda. It just doesnt work most of the time. Dont get me wrong.... it should "just work". All of the interfaces should be the same but currently they are not and should be fixed.
IMHO WINE should keep moving to supporting the PSDK as it is now. Once all of WINE can be built with the MS-PSDK then we can work on getting the rest of w32api in shape and dump the WINE headers except for the internal ones. Ditto for the ReactOS project. Our target should be to compile everything with the XP DDK and PSDK. As we work on both of these goals patches can be submitted to w32api so that at one day far in the future we can all dump our own systems and only use the Mingw w32api DDK/SDK. This all of course depends on if the Mingw people will accept the needed DirectX and Cabinet headers and if WINE will move to a Windows2K/XP model for DirectX support.
Thanks Steven
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