Am Wednesday 12 August 2009 03:05:43 schrieb Stefan Dösinger:
Am Tuesday 11 August 2009 23:43:33 schrieb Johan Gill:
There is IWineD3DDeviceImpl_SetupFullscreenWindow, but that one is not
exported so it can't be called from ddraw as it is.
Calling it from within IWineD3DDevice_SetDisplayMode seems troublesome since the hwnd to use is not always available in the WineD3DDevice. See for instance this example from CreateSwapChain:
Hmm, this entire problem is pretty tricky, and it goes beyond ddraw. We have to attack the broader set of problems.
For starts, we need a few tests to find out
Ah, I forgot to add yesterday, that writing some tests about mode changes is on my todo list, although not within the next few weeks.