2009/3/9 Ben Klein shacklein@gmail.com:
2009/3/9 David Gerard dgerard@gmail.com:
2009/3/8 James Mckenzie jjmckenzie51@earthlink.net:
If we move to an open Wiki, be prepared to be very busy. I've seen spambots get past most, if not all, of the verification systems and bomb away.
I come from years of fighting vandals on Wikipedia. I know a thing or two about the field ...
AppDB is not an encyclopaedia.
And, of course, I didn't say it was, so your point is very unclear indeed. I would have thought the above was fairly obviously answering the question of wiki spam control, and noting that I know a thing or two about the area; in this case, the relevant point is that Wikipedia is a wiki rather than that it is an encyclopedia.
If you're going to pick random unrelated tangents out of what I write, it won't really enhance communication.
- d.