2006-03-07 (화), 10:45 +0000, Huw D M Davies 쓰시길:
As Mike has said the patch is too long to review properly, so please break it down into much smaller pieces.
Yes. now working...
and, I add some basic registry value. "Tahoma", "Gulim", "MS UI Gothic", "Simsun", "PMingLiU".
One thing that caught my eye was that these strings are locale dependent rather like the bitmap font strings (see update_font_info).
Yes. that is just thing like example, I will remove that.
but, tahoma is important. "Tahoma" is linked at the "System" and, many resource files use "MS Shell Dlg", and font substitutes "MS Shell Dlg"="Tahoma". therefore, if font(gulim.ttc, msgothic.ttc, ...) is exist, then we(CJK users) can see our latter at first start.
just only "tahoma"... HKLM: [Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontLink\SystemLink] "Tahoma"=str(7):"Gulim.ttc,Gulim\0MsGothic.ttc,MS UI Gothic \0SimSun.ttc,SimSun\0Mingliu.ttc,PMingLiU\0"