=>0 0x402acdc7 (NTDLL.DLL.memcpy+0x27 in libc.so.6) (ebp=406a29e4) 1 0x40c90844 (DIB_DirectDrawSurface_BltFast+0x51c(iface=0x403c2da8, dstx=0x28, dsty=0x23, src=0x403c3878, rsrc=0x406a2b8c, trans=0x10) [dib.c:870] in ddraw.dll.so) (ebp=406a2b34) 2 0x40c937df (IDirectDrawSurface3Impl_BltFast+0x47(This=0x403c2dac, x=0x28, y=0x23, pSrcSurf=0x403c387c, prcSrc=0x406a2b8c, dwTrans=0x10) [thunks.c:94] in ddraw.dll.so) (ebp=406a2b5c) 3 0x0044ecfe (Panzer3d.exe..text+0x4dcfe in C:\games\pgiiid\Panzer3d.exe) (ebp=406a2b9c)
Well, could you either send me a +ddraw log of the problem or create a bug on Bugzilla and attach the log there.
Ok, now because I don't have really much time to spend on debugging (hope that will change soon), here is the full log with +ddraw debugmsg set on. But before I will really debug this thingy, I will first try to complete about the bugfix for wizardry 8 I mentioned about a month before (and have also written a workaround for this game only).
P.S.: be aware that the log.txt has 3.7MB after decompressing it.
PPS: No problem with the mail beeing harsh, in fact my first mail about this _WAS_ useless