Signed-off-by: Bernhard Übelacker ----
Am 13.12.21 um 11:11 schrieb Nikolay Sivov:
On 12/13/21 12:16, Bernhard Übelacker wrote:
Am 12.12.21 um 18:33 schrieb Nikolay Sivov:
On 12/12/21 18:50, Bernhard Übelacker wrote:
Signed-off-by: Bernhard Übelacker
The cancel in test_scheduled_items puts a work item to the queue by invoke_async_callback. But when this work item is processed the function test_scheduled_items is possibly already left, and the stack memory overwritten by the next test.
Thank you for working on this.
I think it's better to make "struct test_callback*" heap-allocated instead, for all tests, not just for scheduled items.
Thanks for the review, I will send an updated version of the patch.
This one seems to work. I got it done before your reply, so feel free to use that, or to send your own.
Hello Nikolay, sorry for the late reply, your patch is way more advanced than everything I would have come up with.
Should I send it as [PATCH v2] or would my Signed-off-by already be enough for your patch to get considered?
Kind regards, Bernhard