There is no need to export __wine_is_current_process from ntdll and use it here when standard win32 apis will suffice.
Well, not quite. You can open another handle to the process using DuplicateHandle or something else, so you need to go via the server. The simplest way to do this using Win32 is: if (GetProcessId(handle) == GetCurrentProcessId())
You miss. It seems we really need __wine_is_current_process.
if( ! WriteProcessMemory( hProcess, &info, &local_info,
This looks wrong. &info? Don't you mean just info?
Yes! Thanks.
- if ((process = get_process_from_handle( req->handle,
I would argue that it is perfectly alright for the access rights to be just PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION here.
Maybe. But with the full set of access rights CreateRemoteThread will return earlier in case of error.
Is it really necessary to perform the action required for remote invocation of some operation asynchronously? It seems to add a lot of unneeded complexity.
What shall we do with csVirtual critical section in ntdll/virtual.c?