I have a suggestion for a faster implementation of the zero_bit_scan in RtlFindClearBits [NTDLL.@] (rlbitmap.c) for e.g. TlsAlloc() The main is the usage of the instruction 'bsf eax, eax'
This I have implemented in the new experimental odinxp-tree for finding the first zero_bit in the first 'bytecount' bytes of the bitmap addr.
public _search_zero_bit ;int CDECL search_zero_bit(int bytecount, void *addr); _search_zero_bit proc near push esi push edx
mov esi, [esp+16] mov edx, [esp+12] inc edx loop: add esi, 4 mov eax, -1 dec edx ;not found jz short found xor eax, dword ptr [esi - 4] jz loop bsf eax, eax jz short loop sub esi, 4 sub esi, [esp+16] shl esi, 5-2 add eax, esi found:
pop edx pop esi ret _search_zero_bit endp