So far I've tested Rail Road Tycoon 3, Celebrity Death match, Madden NFL 2004 all the d3d8 demos from http://www.codesampler.com, a few more games I can't remember at the moment and everything's seems to be working as good as or better than the current Direct3D 8 code.
I've tested it with Battlefield 1942, and I've mixed results.
The game comes up fine, except of the missing fonts and the sound problems. With the radeon driver from X.org, the main menu background animation works. Starting a game doesn't work with this driver because of a few driver bugs.
So I tried again with the ATI's fglrx: The game comes up fine, background anmation is stuck at the first frame(ati driver bug, I think). When starting a game, the colors in the loading screen are correct. On some maps, the game gets stuck at 100%, with 80% sys loading, and 20% user. it's not blocked, it reacts to button presses, but it doesn't show the in-game graphics.
On other maps, the in-game graphics show up, but it's all milky white, except of the GUI elements, the minimap and the crosshair. I've a +d3d trace, but bzip is still working on it(it's 1G of size unzipped).
The performance varies, it's ~25 fps in the main menu, 6 fps during the loading screen, and 6 to 50 fps in-game. When going back to the main menu from a game, d3d_fps shows nearly 100 fps.
The hardware is a Centrino notebook(1.6 GHZ Pentium M), Radeon 9000 Mobility, 512 mb of ram. The game is set to the highest graphics, which works with cvscedega and old d3d8.
I can probably do more tests this evening.
PS: I am quite busy at university right now, do my d3d7 work is interruped ATM. I hope that I can continue it at the end of the next week.