Hello Steven!
I resubmitted your Winefile code because I wanted to use it on the ReactOS project and I knew you really wanted it included in the wine tree. I have tried to email you a few times over the past year but always got bounced messages back. Good to hear you are still around.
Mmmh - did you use the correct address?
[If you want to compile it with VC++, you need some more files: drivebar.bmp, images.bmp, toolbar.bmp, winefile.ico, winefile.dsp, winefile.dsw]
I have not tried yet but Patrik has been working on the MS_VC port of WINE so fixing Winefile for MS_VC is needed. You can either feed the WINE resources to wrc then to the Windows resource compiler or you can convert the WINE resources back to normal binary bitmaps using bin2res.
Since I converted the resource files in the opposite direction - from windows to wine, I already have the files. If you're interested: I have attached a archive containing them. In fact, I wrote most of the program using the MSDEV IDE, and then ported it to wine.
Feature request: get double click launching working =)
I think, this will not be too difficult. Calling ShellExecute() should do the trick. (Supposing ShellExecute already works ;-) I will try to implement the feature.