Hi Jörg
Failure to flag an error in such cases has known drawbacks:
For several month, Austin did not notice that his BSD boxes had lost sound. wave.ok simply reports "5 tests ok, 1 skipped" in joyfull green, whereas it executed many tests half a year ago.
All those vmware boxes configured without sound and thus skipping all but 5 wave.ok tests have for monthes *not* provided valuable feedback to Wine. So they were actually *not* executing tests, when they could have. It's only when Paul tested one of my tests that he realized that sound was not configured on one of his vmware boxes, promptly configured the sound device, and the tests passed.
The picture on test.winehq.org is a disaster: None of the w95, w98, nt4, 2k, 2k3, Vista, 2k8, w7 machines have performed winmm:wave tests! They all have no sound configured. Mostly useless.
A lot of those VMware boxes are mine. They come in two flavors. Some of them (starting with esx-) are ESX VMs, ESX is VMware's data center product, which simply doesn't support sound. The others (starting with gvg-) are Server VMs, which do support sound. The reason I didn't configure sound on them is because I'm simply not interested in sound. I'll consider enabling sound, but to be honest I'm a bit put off by your aggressive tone.
Anyway, the end result is that there will always be ESX VMs that can't run sound tests.
Best regards, Ge.