"Dmitry Timoshkov" dmitry@baikal.ru writes:
I'd actually rise the question of sending the results of running winetest on an invisible desktop under Windows. For instance I'm interested to see how my recently added user32 tests behave on different Windows platforms, but the tests which currently present on http://test.winehq.org/data are completely unusable. I strongly ask to stop posing tests running on an invisible desktop and consider that tests broken, since almost all win32 APIs are influenced by the fact of running in that environment. Moreover, Wine doesn't run in that mode at all, so we can't compare apples to apples in that case. And the apps most of the developers/users care about should be run on a visible desktop anyway.
I was under the impression that most of the tests are independent of desktop visibility. And the winrash service is the only way to get several reports quickly for a new test. If it wasn't automatic, it would take a good while until the tests are run. So I wanted to keep the best of both ways by introducing a new flag according to your recommendation:
static int running_on_visible_desktop () { return (GetWindowLongA (GetDesktopWindow (), GWL_STYLE) & WS_VISIBLE) != 0; }
Looks like it doesn't quite work, though: it returns 1 all the time under Win9x and NT. Can you perhaps tell why?