Raphael fenix@club-internet.fr writes:
cf: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/secauthz/se...
You can see low-level functions for each supported objects (specified by SE_OBJECT_TYPE)
Anyway, native advapi32 seems to do dynamic loading :)
-=(FeniX as fenix@darkblue)-(on tty1)-(at 09:46:55)=- -={$:'/cvs-src/wine/dlls/advapi32'}=->winedump dump -j import -C /mnt/win_c/windows/system32/advapi32.dll | grep GetModule 358 GetModuleFileNameW 646d2 362 GetModuleHandleW 64984 359 GetModuleHandleA 64ce0 -=(FeniX as fenix@darkblue)-(on tty1)-(at 09:47:03)=- -={$:'/cvs-src/wine/dlls/advapi32'}=->winedump dump -j import -C /mnt/win_c/windows/system32/advapi32.dll | grep LoadLib 560 LoadLibraryExW 64664 561 LoadLibraryW 64bd0 558 LoadLibraryA 64dd2 -=(FeniX as fenix@darkblue)-(on tty1)-(at 09:47:51)=- -={$:'/cvs-src/wine/dlls/advapi32'}=->winedump dump -j import -C /mnt/win_c/windows/system32/advapi32.dll | grep GetProcAd 393 GetProcAddress 64de2
It loads some functions dynamically, sure, but that doesn't mean it loads the winspool ones. If it did, a 'strings advapi32.dll' should find them, but it doesn't in all the versions I've checked.