On Wednesday 02 October 2002 08:49 am, Jrgen Schmied wrote:
Implementations of these and much more can be found in this patch submission, which was apparently never applied: http://www.winehq.com/hypermail/wine-patches/2002/06/0103.html
Alexandre did not like the rpc-stuff in the server. I did start implementing the NT-LPC functions but I have not so much time at the moment so it will take a while. Nevertheless, large parts of the patch could be applied.
are we allowed to merge in stuff from Rewind/Transgaming? I thought no? Anyhow, assuming it's OK, I'd be happy to sort this out and produce a patch.
BTW, I've already noticed a mistake in my patch, UuidIsNil should return true if the Uuid arg is NULL.
the above patch lacks UuidFromString, which my patch provides (I "need" this).
UuidFromStringW should also be provided but I've no knoweldge of how to work with widechar's in C; is there somewhere in wine or elsewhere with good examples of how to work with these? My algo should basically work if I just substitude "sscanf" with "swscanf", but I don't know how to do the verification steps. Thanks,