TLDR: "denylist" as a noun seems fine, but verbed ("denylisted") is still a bit unusual. Something like "denied" or "in_denylist" might work.
Apologies in advance for going language-geek on this...
Some of this comes down to how compound words are built. The original word was (adjective + noun) to make a compound noun. Of course, it is also commonly used as a verb.
Compounding "x" with "list" where "x" is a _verb_ has the sense of "list of things to x". I can't think of a clean rule to morph a verb from this. You could just use the appropriate tense of the root verb or use multiple words.
Still not sure why "list" needs to be in it, since I don't think we actually care about the structure. As for having the sense of a predetermined list, "ban" seems like a good choice (many libraries have a _banned_ book list). "Deny" or "reject" may imply a more subtle or complex decision process (_denied_ credit, _rejection_ letter from a job or a school).
I would love to hear others' thoughts. I know a lot of my rambling is bound to be very subjective.
On Tue, Jun 16, 2020 at 2:08 PM André Hentschel wrote:
Am 16.06.20 um 18:33 schrieb Jeff Smith:
The word "block" is an overloaded term, so "blocklist" is ambiguous and awkward. If we're going to replace a word, let's at least come up with a _good_ alternative. I would also point out that the word does not necessarily have to contain "list".
Looking at the thesaurus gives a few reasonable ideas, though which is 'best' may vary from case to case. I have grouped these in what I feel is the most forceful (1) to least forceful (3) in tone. To get the same intent, it is probably best to stick with (1) or (2). 1. ban, banlist 2. exclude, reject, deny 3. avoid, ignore
Thanks for your input as well! What about denylist? I'd somehow like to keep the "list" word...