On 5/7/19 1:53 PM, Dmitry Timoshkov wrote:
@@ -169,8 +339,21 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI HTMLStyleSheetRulesCollection_item(IHTMLStyleSheetRulesCol LONG index, IHTMLStyleSheetRule **ppHTMLStyleSheetRule) { HTMLStyleSheetRulesCollection *This = impl_from_IHTMLStyleSheetRulesCollection(iface);
- FIXME("(%p)->(%d %p)\n", This, index, ppHTMLStyleSheetRule);
- return E_NOTIMPL;
- nsIDOMCSSRule *nsstylesheetrule;
- nsresult nsres;
- TRACE("(%p)->(%d %p)\n", This, index, ppHTMLStyleSheetRule);
- nsres = nsIDOMCSSRuleList_Item(This->nslist, index, &nsstylesheetrule);
- if (NS_FAILED(nsres) || !nsstylesheetrule)
- {
WARN("Item failed: %08x\n", nsres);
*ppHTMLStyleSheetRule = NULL;
- }
I did one more test with a script in other compatibility modes, it doesn't throw an exception :/ We could introduce compatibility mode check here, but I think we should be fine with more standard behaviour (which is more or less your previous version). I will take care of that.