Hello everybody,
- as my colleague Stefan Munz has already pointed out recently[1] on this list, Wirtschaftsförderung Region Stutgart GmbH (WRS) and us (ITOMIG) are launching an initiative called WINEprobe[2]. Its goal is to make local software vendors aware of the potential bussiness opportunity in a WINE-based port or a WINE/Linux version of their software.
WRS is quite committed as far as Open Source is concerned[3], and is pushing OSS in the region since quite a time. It has co-organized, among others, the KDE World Summit 2004 in Ludwigsburg near Stuttgart[4]. The Perlworkshop 6.0 , GUADEC6 (GNOME Conference) [5], ApacheCon Europe and more than 40 other Open Source Events in the Stuttgart Region are organized or supported by the WRS as well. (You can find a description of WRS at the bottom of this mail.)
In order to make the WINEprobe initiative beneficial for the WINE project as much as possible, three things are in the making:
1) At the option of the respective software vendor whose product we'll be analyzing for WINE compatibility, Application Database Entries will be maintained by us once a software product has been analyzed for its compatibility with WINE.
2) Reports of successful porting or migration projects will be given back to the community as success stories. My colleage is already working on merging some success stories supplied by third parties (see [6]).
3) WRS has offered to help out in hosting the WINE developers conference Wineconf in 2005 in the Stuttgart area[7].
Mr. Schmid from WRS has asked me (please see the mail below) to provide some information about this initiative to the WINE community. He thinks (and I agree ;) that it would help us a great deal in making the campaign a success if the WINE community somehow "officially" (as official as a community can be :) approved of this initiative. So my question, on behalf of Mr. Schmid, is simply if there are objections against us saying that this initiative is approved of by the WINE community?
As an important sidenote, I permit myself to emphasize that all of our above mentioned efforts (1-3) to support the WINE project and its community are fully independent of the answer of this question. Most particularily, the hosting offer stands, and the commitment there won't be lowered if the WINEprobe is not approved of by the community. However, I feel that a successful WINEprobe will be a benefit for the WINE project as well.
If there are any questions open, please feel free to ask.
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: AW: Update on WRS offer & Stuttgart University Date: Montag 20 Dezember 2004 14:46 From: "Hans-Ulrich Schmid" hans-ulrich.schmid@region-stuttgart.de To: David Gümbel david.guembel@itomig.de
Dear Mr. Gümbel,
as you know, ITOMIG and Stuttgart Region is planning to start a new initiative for small and medium software companies called "WINEprobe". "WINEprobe" will help these companies to learn more about the WINE-compatibility of their software products.
It would be very helpful, if you can ask the WINE-community to support this new initiative officially. The hosting offer of the Stuttgart Region will not be affected by any way of the decision of the community in the point of supporting the "WINEprobe" or not. Can you please forward this mail to the community and tell them some more about the background of "WINEprobe"
Best regards
Hans-Ulrich Schmid
Wirtschaftsförderung Region Stuttgart GmbH Stuttgart Region Economic Development Corporation FIR_st - Forum IT-Region Stuttgart
Friedrichstr. 10 70174 Stuttgart
www.first.region-stuttgart.de www.opensource.region-stuttgart.de www.competenzatlas.de www.region-stuttgart.de Tel ++49.711.22835 - 27 Tel mobil ++49.172.7310463 Fax ++49.711.22835 - 55
------------------------------------------------------- WRS description:
The Stuttgart Region Economic Development Corporation (WRS) is
- founded to provide services to industry and communities in the field of economic development - a subsidiary of the administrative body of the larger Stuttgart Region - provides marketing for the Stuttgart Region - assists in cluster management of specific industries - advises and assists companies during the search for available sites and buildings
In the context of our initiative "Open Source Region Stuttgart" http://opensource.region-stuttgart.de the WRS supports conferences and meetings of Open Source projects of various aspects when held in the Stuttgart Region. For example the WRS is co-organizer of the KDE Community World Summit 2004 in Ludwigsburg near Stuttgart http://conference2004.kde.org/ . The Perlworkshop 6.0 , GUADEC6 (GNOME Conference) http://2005.guadec.org/papers.html , ApacheCon Europe and more than 40 other Open Source Events in the Stuttgart Region are organized or supported by the WRS as well.
[1] http://www.mail-archive.com/wine-devel%40winehq.org/msg11549.html [2] WINEprobe means be something like WINEtasting in english an maybe "degustation de WINE" in french. [3] See http://opensource.region-stuttgart.de/ (.de only, sorry) [4] http://conference2004.kde.org/ [5] http://2005.guadec.org/papers.html [6] http://www.mail-archive.com/wine-devel%40winehq.org/msg11630.html [7] http://www.winehq.org/hypermail/wine-devel/2004/11/0647.html