On 9/3/20 1:28 PM, Alistair Leslie-Hughes wrote:
+typedef struct tagXHR_COOKIE +{
- [ref, string] WCHAR *url;
- [ref, string] WCHAR *name;
- [unique, string] WCHAR *value;
- [unique, string] WCHAR *p3_policy;
- FILETIME expire_time;
- DWORD flags;
Fields names do not match public definition.
+interface IXMLHTTPRequest3 : IXMLHTTPRequest2 +{
- HRESULT SetClientCertificate([in] DWORD hash_size, [in] const BYTE *hash, [in] const WCHAR *pin);
No need to terminate interface block like that.
- object,
- uuid(A44A9299-E321-40DE-8866-341B41669162),
- helpstring("IXMLHTTPRequest2Callback Interface"),
- pointer_default(ref)
Let's make uuid lowercase for consistency.
- helpstring("Free Threaded XML HTTP Request class 6.0"),
- progid("Msxml2.FreeThreadedXMLHTTP60.6.0"),
- threading(both),
- uuid(88d96a09-f192-11d4-a65f-0040963251e5)
+] +coclass FreeThreadedXMLHTTP60 +{
- [default] interface IXMLHTTPRequest2;
Public header does not have progid() for this coclass, and does not have default attribute.
Missing marshaling attributes for methods arguments are still missing in v2.