Here are the failing user32/sysparams registry tests on Win95, Win98 and NT4.
sysparams.c:676:testing SPI_{GET,SET}MENUDROPALIGNMENT sysparams.c:161: Test failed: Wrong value in registry: subKey=Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows, valName=MenuDropAlignment, testValue=1, value= sysparams.c:161: Test failed: Wrong value in registry: subKey=Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows, valName=MenuDropAlignment, testValue=0, value= -> on Win9x this is in Control Panel\desktop
sysparams.c:711:testing SPI_{GET,SET}DOUBLECLKWIDTH sysparams.c:161: Test failed: Wrong value in registry: subKey=Control Panel\Mouse, valName=DoubleClickWidth, testValue=0, value= sysparams.c:161: Test failed: Wrong value in registry: subKey=Control Panel\Mouse, valName=DoubleClickWidth, testValue=10000, value= -> on Win9x this is in Control Panel\desktop
sysparams.c:741:testing SPI_{GET,SET}DOUBLECLKHEIGHT sysparams.c:161: Test failed: Wrong value in registry: subKey=Control Panel\Mouse, valName=DoubleClickHeight, testValue=0, value= sysparams.c:161: Test failed: Wrong value in registry: subKey=Control Panel\Mouse, valName=DoubleClickHeight, testValue=10000, value= -> on Win9x this is in Control Panel\desktop
sysparams.c:644:testing SPI_{GET,SET}ICONTITLEWRAP sysparams.c:161: Test failed: Wrong value in registry: subKey=Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics, valName=IconTitleWrap, testValue=1, value= sysparams.c:161: Test failed: Wrong value in registry: subKey=Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics, valName=IconTitleWrap, testValue=0, value= -> on NT4 this is in Control Panel\Desktop
Notice how this is not even a clean separation between NT OSes and Win9x ones: Win9x aligns with XP for SPI_SETICONTITLEWRAP but not NT4, while for the other settings it's the opposite.
Anyway, is it worth keeping these tests? That is making sure that SPI_xxx stores the setting in the registry key we expect? Do we know of applications that depend on these specific settings? If not then I will just submit a patch to remove these checks.
Or maybe Wine should store these settings in all known locations?
Note that I already removed these tests for SPI_ICONHORIZONTALSPACING and SPI_ICONVERTICALSPACING because for these Windows does not even always store the same value: sometimes it's the value we provide but most of the time that value seems to be multiplied by -15 (resulting in the negative number!). And the -15 changes to anothe value if you change the icon size.