2009/5/10 Nicklas Börjesson Nicklas.Borjesson@ws.se:
The idea is to make the test as automated as possible. That way anyone can run the tests, not just people with certain programs.
Ok. Well then, either:
someone can mirror those two files somewhere for easier downloading,
or one adds one or two(quite easy) manual step to the installation instructions.
makes scripting possible, however, Adobe probably would not like that.
However, one *could* simply ask them if it's ok. I don't see how this quite specific use case would(come on, it's a trial version) be a problem for them and I would think that getting their application working under wine would be something they would like happening.
It violates their copyright, and I have no interest in doing that.
- I think that one should try to be a bit pragmatical. If a couple of simple
manual steps is all that is needed to get an otherwise completely automated process going, it should not be allowed to be a problem.
Is possible, but since it requires a login, the script will eventually fail from too many login/downloads.