"Shachar Shemesh" wine-devel@shemesh.biz wrote:
The idea I had, for which I cannot state whether it's feasible or not, is to get the mapping from XKB, and prepare a list (group 0 - US, group 1 - IL, group 2 - RU). Then, whenever we get a "next group" or "prev group", just send out the proper messages. This way, we can also switch keyboard language at an application's whim (I actually have a small snippet of code that does that, if your'e interested).
I'm afraid that will not work, since we need to attach an XKB mapping
Anyhow, your current code (which I have not dived into, yet) should probably go in. It seems to prepare important infrastructure for handling keyboard languages by the X11 driver.
Perhaps I exaggerated a bit a problem for you. After a little of thinking I believe you could try:
1. remove all existing israelian keyboard layouts from x11drv/keyboard.c 2. create a new israelian layout (by simply editing an existing one and removing english characters) which will work in Wine after 'setxkbmap il'. 3. configure your XFree86 to have distinct "us" and "il" layouts.
#3 possibly is a most difficult step. At least I don't know how to do that using standard approaches provided by XF86Config.
After that, MappingNotify should really do its work and make Wine to change internal keyboard layouts and therefore HKL identifier.