--- Jeremy Newman jnewman@codeweavers.com wrote:
I've noticed this as well. Off the top of my head it probably is an incompatability between the version of bugzilla we are running, and the version of mysql on the box. That should be the only thing that has changed. There is a new version of Perl as well.
It may be as I my self have update mysql a few times and it usualy had problems with the other things....
To solve this (and many other issues), I'd like to upgrade again to the latest version of Bugzilla. I should have time to attempt this in the next week or so.
Well I could check out if they really did anything about it but I can not find the version of the bugzilla running ... :) Could you tell me the version of the mysql that was running before the update the one that runs now and the version of bugzilla that runs now (you can private mail me if you prefer)
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