Vincent Béron wrote:
Le mar 09/09/2003 à 10:14, Shachar Shemesh a écrit :
Ivan Leo Murray-Smith wrote:
The latest Wine RPMs are compiled without BiDi support
the Red Hat rpms may be, but I can assure you that your help to get bidi into the mdk rpms wasn't invane.
Greedy ol' me, trying to get them all :-)
I am the RH package manager for Wine. My RPMS are indeed without BiDi support for now, as I was aiming for them to be rebuildable on any fully-updated (and nothing more) RH box. Of course, I can install the required libraries and build them with BiDi support if you push me to it :)
As all you have to do is have a local copy of the ICU library in order to get BiDi support in (and configure will autodetect it), I don't think having your RPMs compiled with BiDi support will hurt in any way. Your SRPMS will still be compilable on any platform (except, of course, that the compiled version will not have BiDi support. That, however, is up to each individual person).
I (as well as many of the Israeli and Arab community) would much appretiate if you could do the extra effort, as well as hear feedback.