I was chatting with Rudolf Kastl(che on #winehq) and he was mentioning the things that he was doing for the rpm package. One of the patches he applies to wine prior to packaging it is a patch that creates local user config files if they don't exist. This helps end users as they don't have to worry about the package maintainer providing valid config files. I thought this sounded like a pretty neat idea to improve usability. The patch currently copies files from /etc/* which means they would need to be installed there during the process.
I was wondering if it would make more sense during the compile process to take the default configuration files, config, system.reg, user.reg and userdef.reg and convert these to binary form and compile them into the wine binary itself. We could detect the lack of these files at startup and install them for the user.
Another feature could be a command line switch that would rebuild a users config, like:
'wine --rebuild-config'
that would reset the users config back to the defaults.
Sound like something reasonable? Should we instead be putting the default files somewhere on the users machine and copying them over like the patch does?