On Tue, 11 Nov 2003, Dan Kegel wrote: [...]
Now, if you want to make things easier for users, there's room for improvement on the winehq forums page. For starters, the Forums link on the main page is buried a bit; it ought to be higher up (say, right after FAQ; the HowTo link should be part of Documentation).
The current location looked ok to me.
On the Forums page, the wine-users@winehq.com list should probably be the first thing on the page.
Yes, we could tweak this. What about the following order:
wine-announce wine-users wine-devel wine-patches wine-cvs wine-releases wine-license wine-bugs wine-tests-results
The newsgroup link is currently wrong(!); it's currently news://comp.emulators.ms-windows.wine/ but should be news:comp.emulators.ms-windows.wine
Where did you find the broken link? I found one like you describe in a Wine Weekly News 2000/01/17, but the forum page looks ok:
<a href="news:comp.emulators.ms-windows.wine">comp.emulators.ms-windows.wine</a>
And we should probably link to the newsgroups at gmane.org, too.
The newsgroup is not indexed at Gmane, only the mailing lists are. I can add a link like so:
[(Un-)Subscribe] [Archive] [Gmane] wine-announce@winehq.com ...
Shall I prepare patches for the website to implement these changes so people can see what I'm suggesting?
Well, I attached a patch proposal...