"Max Kanat-Alexander" mkanat@bugzilla.org wrote:
Hey there Wine Bugzilla folks. I've been funded by the Mozilla Foundation to do a survey of the major Bugzilla-using organizations in the world, to find out what people like and don't like about Bugzilla, what we could improve, what changes you'd like to see in Bugzilla, etc., and you guys are one of the organizations picked for the survey. :-)
The Bugzilla Project is going to use this information to prioritize its work on future releases, and we may even be able to get a grant from the Mozilla Foundation to work on some of the most popular or pressing issues. In other words, what you say here will really matter.
Are you aware of the problem with 'Accept bug' functionality? It never worked as expected in bugzilla, i.e. not changed the status to ASSIGNED and simultaneously changed the 'Assigned To' e-mail to an assignee.