Right, there might be legal issues for distribution, but I was thinking in term of getting a port up-and-running quick internally to validate what parts to replace moving forward.
I'm particulary interested in Wine for OS X, a plateform MainWin hasn't announced support for. We have a test version of our application up-and-running on linux in 64-bit, however, which if I'm not mistaken isn't possible with Wine at this stage. We do like the idea of customizing the app for each plateform, this is why I am interested in WineLib and having access to the source.
-----Original Message----- From: Jason Green [mailto:jave27@gmail.com]
On 7/19/06, Dan Kegel dank@kegel.com wrote:
Hi Luc, I know of no issues (other than that this would restrict
you to running on x86,
but perhaps that's not an issue for you). I don't think anyone's done it before, but I could be wrong.
On 7/19/06, Luc-Eric Rousseau lucer@softimage.com wrote:
thanks. Are there any known issue with the native microsoft WSH (Windows Scripting Host)DLL under wine? Has this this been done
with a WineLib
app in the past?
If you're planning on distributing this app to customers, there may be legal licensing issues involved with using those libraries. IANAL, but just thought I'd give a heads up.