This guy ask if we could help him to get a win app that he uses "Netmeeting" in this case to work with the vine "wine" but instead of help he got use this... as its native to linux!
Well, we could also have said (and with reasons) 'This is a developper mailing list - send your support request to wine-users / raise a bug on BugZilla / post on cemw / come on #WineHQ on FreeNode'.
Imagine the nightmare if all the people asking for Kazaa / HalfLife / CounterStrike support on #WineHQ started sending mails to this list ?
Note that I agree that Wine seriously lacks efficient supports channels, but wine-devel is certainly not a support channel (or at least not for such plain 'Does app X work on Wine ?' requests - on the other hand, any question where the guy enters sufficiently into details of his debugging and ask detailed questions is welcome here).