Martin Hinner wrote:
Purpose of this Wine DLL is to allow Windows applications to use directly Unix library functions. This is useful for example for applications which talk to specific drivers and it's not efficient/possible to create system native DLL for such driver or library. Win32 app. vendor is required only to detect execution under Wine and load proper native library.
WinGate.DLL exports dlopen/dlsym/dlclose/dlerror functions which allow Windows app to load additional libraries and use them.
Depending on what you need to do it might be a good thing or might be a complete no-go. Remember that Wine has an additional layer on top of system. If you bypass it, you can potentially create lots and lots of problems.
For example, handles, synchronization, GUI, messages, d3d, ddraw (and most other things) depend on those extra layers. You won't be able to use them together without major risk of instability. Eg. you can't pass fd to ReadFile(). Nor can you block on read() and expect message processing in the same thread. Not saying it can't be done. It just needs to be coded with consideration of Wine inerworkings.
What I want to say, what you did is just an API that doesn't solve anything on its own. Anything using it will be as complex as writing winelib application. Or will have to be expanded to properly fit into Wine.