Joel Konkle-Parker wrote:
James Hawkins wrote:
I have a totally non-original idea for sessions called Bug Busters where, at a designated time, a group of wine developers would get together on #winehackers (or some other channel). We would pick a bug (or maybe more) from wine's bug tracker and work together to fix the bug(s). This would serve several good purposed. First, we would be giving more attention to wine's bugzilla and getting rid of a lot of those bugs. Second, many newcomers can witness and take part in the wine development process. I'm sure everyone can remember how daunting it is to jump into wine development. Anyway, if anyone has any ideas or would like to take part in this, let me know and we'll get this started.
Sounds like a great idea. I've been trying to get into Wine development, but haven't been able to get my foot firmly planted anywhere. The whole thing is just too complex. I'd gladly join a BB session, if only to get some insight into how things work.
Great idea indeed. I find myself spending much more time reading the bug lists and not understanding how to get started than actually implementing stuff. But this might indeed change that.
Problem: we probably will have to deal with multiple time zones (.e.g. I am in Europe) :-).
Also, I am getting the strange feeling that the buglist is somewhat outdated :-). For example: almost all bugs are either NEW or UNCONFIRMED. Isn't that a bit odd?