On Mon, 28 Apr 2008, Robert Reif wrote:
However, the waveOutGetDevCapsW fails as well on WTS, also returning MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM.
Let me get this straight, your company's product doesn't pass this wine regression test so you want to remove the test?
No. Quoting from my intial post:
"The CapsW test fails with our sound driver (tlsnd) as well as Microsofts Terminal Services driver (rdpsnd)."
We can of course change our driver to accept invalid structure sizes, but "plain" Terminal Servers would still fail.
Of course, if you add MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM as accepted return code, as you suggest, the problem would go away, but then again, the test is mostly pointless, since it succeeds regardless of if the API call succeeds or not.
Rgds, --- Peter Åstrand ThinLinc Chief Developer Cendio AB http://www.cendio.se Wallenbergs gata 4 583 30 Linköping Phone: +46-13-21 46 00