Probably vi with autoindent, tabstop=8 and shiftwidth=4 (my preferred indent).
Of course everyone has his own taste and there's nothing wrong with 8. We just found that with 8 spaces there's very much indentation if you have quite some nested ifs/whiles/fors/whatevers. While still trying to stay under 80 chars per line (for a nice printing) you don't have much space left to put code on :)
Indeed - printing in one reason you should not set the tab size to anything other than 8.
With vi and sw=4,ts=8,ai you indent with ^T and outdent with ^D. vi adds the correct number of tabs and spaces to end up in the right position.
8 char indents (as used by netbsd) to tend to leave you trying to pretify code in about 16 colums sometimes. Made more likely if your style involves 2 indents for a switch statement, eg: switch (...) { case ...: break;