It looks like this patch series went okay.
* UpdateTaskLogs left some .err files when it deleted the unneeded reference reports in the step directories. That's okay. The web server will just ignore them, they don't take much space, and I'm sending a fix so the next run of UpdateTaskLogs will take care of them.
* It also left some log.err files. That was expected: these tasks must have been in the queued | running state when UpdateTaskLogs ran so it did not touch them. I checked them and they are just empty anyway so it's okay that the web server is now ignoring them. Again the next run of UpdateTaskLogs should take care of them
* I looked at a few job pages and the web server still seems to correctly detect old and new errors, the full logs display correctly and I can access all of them.
Still, if you notice something wrong left me know.
Next big step: error caching, presumably on thursday, and finally taking care of intermittent failures next tuesday-ish.