J. Grant wrote:
Hi Tony,
This is called a regression. I see you are not on CVS but if you switch to it, you could find the the patch that broke the app. The link on how to do this is here.
OK, thank you for the infomation, very well written document!
Unfortunatly I am on a momdem, which restricts my abilities here. I will look for a workaround to find the regression patch.
I did regression testing via modem in the past. "cvs -z 3" compresses the stream so that download times are minimized.
The number of downloads required to find the day.
Days No of itinerations 1 1 2 2 4 3 8 4 16 5 32 6 64 7 128 8 256 9 512 10
Assumming that there are no masking regressions to complicate the process you should be able to find the day after nine tests. After you have the day the number of substitue the number of patches for days to fine the itinerations required. Most days it would be 6 or less.
The biggest problem with regression testing for me was not the download time but the compile time. which is dependent on the computers speed and amount of RAM. On my old P300 with 96mb it can take up to three hours.
I obviously cant force you to do this but regression testing is the most efficient way to fix these problems. As a benifit of setting this up you get to be bleading edge up to date as possible, thus making it possible to find regressions very quickly. I actually have three trees one for development, one for regression testing and one "clean" up to date CVS.
One last thing. If you do decide to do this please first check that it is not fixed in an up-to-date CVS (it happens!)
If you have problems with this or have suggestions on how to improve the docu please let me know.
Well, could "Cvs" be written "CVS" ? The technical infomation seems top notch.
Can do. I see a few other minor thing I want to clean up while i'm at it.